
Showing posts from May, 2024

HOPE……I met an amazing man in Provo

I pulled into a parking lot with my vehicle a couple days ago and I looked over and I saw this black car  that had writing all over it  and I read it,  then I thought about it  what it was saying,  and I felt inspired to go out and talk to him  and tell him  Thank You ! for what he was doing.  I then told him about my life and that I had gotten off drugs  and that it was because of people like him, that gives people HOPE. I thanked him and I walked away and got back in my vehicle  We were waiting for the building that we were both parked at,  waiting for it to open  because it was running a little late  and then I started to think about what I am now able to do  because of people like him.   I’m able to run my own business because of people like Brandon  who give HOPE to those  that don’t have HOPE,  They can’t see it in themselves  and I thought  I wonder if he would let me honor him for what he is Doing  and so I pulled out my iPad and I went back over to his car  and  I said excuse

Deep thoughts - sorrow to service

Good morning I’ve had a lot of thoughts on my mind this morning  I was reading the pathway to perfection,  by Thomas s. Monson  one of my dear brothers in the ward gave this book to me …through inspiration.  For my Baptism…I know it was through inspiration!  as I was reading it,  I began to think about my Savior and then I began to think about me  and I started to notice.  We have a lot of things that are similar,  but I will never be as good as Him ever. I hope I can be.  I hope  I can walk by His side,  holding His Hand but that’s not the comparison I have with Him,  my comparison is opposite of the good part…….  all my life I have had……. the man of sorrows part  In my life,   I have never felt like I belong here…….  here in this world…….  I always felt alone…  I felt like nobody wanted to hear what I had to say…….   I felt like it was me just in the corner, watching everyone’s life go by…….  I always felt like everyone was more important than me……. I always felt like the outcast…….


 Something I’ve always said, but I’ve never known why……. I start everyone at 100%   it is up to them.. whether they go up or down….. I had a deeper understanding of this today in my scripture study.  In Mosiah chapters 25-28     I had a deeper understanding of my saying. Then, in Luke 23: 34 =       then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do I see it from both sides…of my saying.. When my mind was corrupt, I knew the things I was doing were wrong  but I was so addicted.  I didn’t know how bad they were.  and the crazy part ……. is  when people read this,    you’re gonna think  Oh, it was the drugs or it was this…… ….……… But it’s not that deep…. ………….. I had times when I was watching a movie And I had to go to the bathroom… What did I do? Well, I held onto my needing to go to the bathroom  as long as I could.  So I could finish the movie…. I’m sure everybody does this or has done it… But why are we so focused on listening to the world and it’s views ? Rather th

Memorial Day - Tribute

Our soldiers;; As I slept, this dream I had Taught me lessons of my land As I traveled to and fro I understood, Now I know First, I went to Japan Where they teach you How to be a man They tell you what to say There are no games Or time for play In Japan, I had no right I could not stand I could not fight As I pondered in this land I Then knew Why Paul took a stand He freely gave his time and will So we could be At the top of the hill As a country we will stand United to fight for our land Our freedom is our choice Please speak out with your voice Tell our soldiers We will standby And keep an  ever watching eye We will support And do what we can For those who left To make a stand In our Hearts They will be……. As they fight For our Country… ::David:: 3-25-2003 I wrote this in honor of my brother-in-law.    Paul.

One of The Talks At my Baptism

 Have you ever met somebody that has inspired you to change & grow? Let me share 10 things I have learned from my friend, David  Number 1-     I can do hard things I have seen David endure a lot of pain. We visited him in the hospital after one of his surgeries. We’ve seen his scars. Despite his physical & spiritual challenges, he keeps going.  Number 2- I can go the 2nd mile David takes care of a swimming pool where he does his physical therapy.  He is a true steward & gives his best efforts.  David also looks for opportunities to give service,  even to those he doesn’t know. Number 3- I can do & be better David is an observer. He loves to find those around him that are doing good.  He will often make an effort to get to know them & learn from them.  Then he acts on what he has learned. Number 4- I can be inspired by nature One day we were talking to David           About how it’s important to always remember Jesus           So that we can always have His spirit to

My baptism program

 I am so Grateful I found one of my baptism programs. I was inspired by someone to find a program and post it For all to see. ::David:: 5-26-24

My 2nd baptism talk From may 23rd

  I am pretty sure I put it in the right order but if I did not, I apologize


 I am going back as far back as I can remember of who I  used to be… when I allowed the world in me,  one of my first memories …. a lot of people don’t know this,  but I have amnesia of 12 and under.  I got in a really really bad bicycle accident when I was staying with my sister up in California  the very first memory that I have is being in a bathtub looking up at my sister,  not knowing who i was, Or who she was but she had so much love  so much passion in her eyes.  I knew I could trust her (She was training to be a nurse)  after I got out of the tub she handed me this drink…. she said drink this…. it’ll help  it was grapefruit soda, and medicine.  It tasted so horrible.  It was so gross , but I trusted her.  I knew for some unknown reason that this being before me was there to protect me  this is my very first memory that I have.  I don’t remember my childhood when I look at other children  when I look at other kids playing having fun and enjoying life.  I truly wish I could recal

5-24-24 today I started fresh….My New Life as a Disciple of God

 Last night at my baptism, I told several people I was not going to the pool.  I was just going to contemplate and be by myself today. Well, that’s not the way this morning went at all….  I am in such a habit…. which is wonderful.  I said  I’m going to the pool. I probably sat, trying to ponder everything for five minutes…. and I thought what am I doing….. I didn’t get baptized to sit around. ….. It was absolutely boring….. I couldn’t do it….. It was wonderful that I had such motivation this morning after a amazing day yesterday… To go to the pool and help out. While I was driving to the pool I was thinking what if I have an amazing calling from the church…. I don’t know what it is or what it can be…. but what if I get an amazing calling that I am not able to take care of the pool anymore And I was thinking, who would I be able to trust? I pulled up to the pool. Went in and did my daily checks to make sure the pool is running correctly before I just sit back and let those that I’ve tau


 Good morning, Every time I try to write down my baptism experience… My mind goes blank…. I want to write everything…. I want to share my experiences… But I don’t think I should. There is a reason my mind keeps going blank When I try to write, about it ……… I am sorry, But… I’m going to keep my baptism to myself… To all those that were there and witnessed it.. I am so grateful that you were there Your Savior Jesus Christ Is aware of you And I KNOW YOU felt Gods Love last night !!! And I hope you never deny it.. All those that were there last night. What you felt,……..  I urge you……. I plead with you……. Share with the world your experiences  On how your life is changing.. Because like me…. I know some of your eyes have been opened I talked to several of you… I truly love you all We must seek out Jesus Christ Please get down on your knees Praise your Heavenly Father  For everything  He God has given you And then stand up and go to work Forget about yourself…. Forget about your problems…. F

May 23rd- goodbye to all my racing family

  Gt 7 Racing Family, It has truly been an honor, racing with all of you, The friendship, the family, All of us having fun together, These past two years, Have truly felt like a mission to me, In the beginning, it was always about me.. Wanting to improve wanting to be better than everybody else.     Being selfish in the beginning….. But then I met some amazing people. And rather than just thinking, they were strangers.  I tried to invite everybody in. I tried to welcome everybody to my racing lobby, I wanted everybody to feel welcome.   But in the end, All I wanted to do is serve, Because of the amazing people that I met, Because of the amazing people I raced with…. I was changing, God changed me through a video game, I am so grateful for Gran Turismo seven… Without it, I would’ve never met my other family…… I have family all over the world… I know this…. Because I have raced with them I have talked with them And the farewell that they gave me today…. Was truly spectacular….. Those tha

May 23rd

  This is really a special day for me, I am so looking forward to today. Seems like all my life I’ve just been wandering in darkness.  Always wanting to be happier, but always choosing the wrong path I’m having a very odd sensation, And I say this because I’ve had a ton of surgeries and problems and all kinds of things that just caused my anxiety to go through the roof But today  I know my Baptism is coming  I don’t know how special it’s gonna be,  but I have no anxiety whatsoever.  None ! my mind is clear….. my mind is peaceful….. And I know that no matter what happens today…  God is with me.  I know it. I feel it I have been sitting outside the pool for an hour before it opens,  Just sitting out in my car, praying on this special day for me,  But I wanted it to be not just for me…..but for everybody,  What I have prayed for is that everybody that attends this baptism may be cleansed in someway from the world, That it’s not just me being renewed today,  That all those that are partici

What happened last Saturday . The pool

 I woke up  last Saturday, I made plans later that day with a good friend. So I went to the pool did everything that needed to be done. This Amazing brother of mine showed up and he helped me figure out things, With the pool and what’s going on and how maybe it can be worked out and get better We talked the whole time, Just him and I for about two hours. It was great to have help taking care of the pool.  Knowing that if I was to go somewhere or something was to happen, I know that somebody would take my spot and keep going To improve the pool.  When those that are getting paid are not….. I cannot fully say this because there are some amazing technicians there at the swimming pool. They give all their time and other energy’s to keep the pool safe. These amazing technicians, Take time out of their time in the same building, To come back and do the responsibilities that they get paid for…. Often times I see the pool being as if  there is nobody that cares about it. It’s in the background

Deep thoughts — about my life the miracle

 I woke up pretty early. Started up my day as usual with my morning study, my morning listening to calming music and with prayer.  I then showed up half an hour early to the pool, and I just waited and thought about a lot of things. The manager of the day showed up right on time And we opened up the building together, me back in the pool and him in his area I really like working at the pool because every day is new,  I get to talk to somebody new, and even though sometimes people don’t even show up, I always get a work out. I always get to improve me in some way while I’m there. It’s great, i am so blessed for volunteering and helping other people. I don’t know why I deserve this.  But I am grateful for it.  I am so grateful for it.  I wish I could describe, what it felt like for 18 years to Not be able to walk normal and getting worse by the day  till i could not walk at all…. to feel crippled…..  To always feel broken in all the things that I did, it’s so hard now to tell people…. be

My hope of last year

Last year, I had a strong desire to change, And I said if I ever get baptized, I would like to have my strongest most spiritual nephew that I know do it for me. He knows my body very well. He knows my struggles on how I can move and I know he loves me. And so I asked him, And almost a year ago he said absolutely, and he gave me a big hug.  That gave me hope… But all I could see was for 4 families, That might come to my baptism. I knew it was my parents. My nephew, his family, His parents And my amazing sister and her family.    I couldn’t picture anybody else….  I had nobody in my life.  I was alone,  even as I was coming back to God  I was alone.  But I have to tell you, the Lord has worked a miracle every day in my life.  Since my hope began. One year ago, all I had was hope to be baptized to become free of all my stupidity I brought on myself. I was alone wandering on the path, not knowing which way to go But knowing in my heart where to go…. And even though I was alone… God had a p

The pool

 So I have been taking care of this Pool under the management involvement for about six months and during this time I have met some amazing people who have truly blessed my life, and I believe this pool is a healing pool. The people that truly put in an effort, the people that truly want to change I’m seeing miracles in my life. In their lives… I am seeing everybody  that comes and uses this pool, and the transformation they are having. And just being a volunteer I really don’t have any say here But I want to save this pool, And I know everybody that comes and uses this  Pool feels the same way… In Utah, where I live, It is the only heated Therapy pool at 93° It is 65 feet and 25 feet wide. It’s like it’s a giant hot tub and it’s perfect for people in pain… who just need to feel like they’re in a giant bathtub…  that need to relax and float and just let their worries away. And I have seen peoples lives change here, truly, truly change and I am just one person taking care of this pool r

I have a quality about myself. I hate being late to anything.

Yesterday I had an experience where as I was driving an hour early to my next appointment, which is nice because that means I have time to stop,  I have time to help  I have time to eat.  I have time to do things that I might need to do  or that others might need help with.  I’m always on time ….. it just works out.  Well yesterday I had a pretty good understanding of something I’ve never felt before As I was driving to my appointment, I saw a man not dressed well at all….I continued to drive past him and I pulled immediately into Wendy’s and I ordered $10 worth of food and then I ordered two drinks, one root beer and one whatever The person working at the register wanted  i said surprise me….It’s really fun to ask people, employees what they would suggest to eat.  what they like.  This little  conversation,  it opens up a new brightness in them.   And then order what they suggest, doing this little act, helps them feel as they are meant to be somewhere important, like they’re meant to