One of The Talks At my Baptism

 Have you ever met somebody that has inspired you to change & grow?

Let me share 10 things I have learned from my friend, David 

Number 1-     I can do hard things

I have seen David endure a lot of pain.

We visited him in the hospital after one of his surgeries.

We’ve seen his scars.

Despite his physical & spiritual challenges, he keeps going.

 Number 2- I can go the 2nd mile

David takes care of a swimming pool where he does his physical therapy. 

He is a true steward & gives his best efforts. 

David also looks for opportunities to give service,

 even to those he doesn’t know.

Number 3- I can do & be better

David is an observer.

He loves to find those around him that are doing good. 

He will often make an effort to get to know them & learn from them. 

Then he acts on what he has learned.

Number 4- I can be inspired by nature

One day we were talking to David

          About how it’s important to always remember Jesus

          So that we can always have His spirit to be with us.

I suggested a physical reminder,but David said he didn’t need one.

He said that every time he looks at nature, he is reminded of Jesus Christ.

David also creates beautiful pieces of art using things he finds in Nature.

Number 5- I can write down & share my spiritual experiences.

David has a blog where he shares his spiritual experiences.

I love to take a peek every now & then

When I need to be inspired & uplifted.

Number 6- I can be more grateful

David has been through some difficult challenges

But, he always looks for the positive & growth opportunities.

Number 7- I can study the gospel of Jesus Christ & the Scriptures more intentionally

We had the opportunity as full-time missionaries 

to teach David many lessons.

He taught us just as much as we taught him & maybe more.

He knows how to feast upon the scriptures.

If you ever saw his colorfully marked scriptures,

 you would know how much he loves them.

Number 8- I can clap my hands for joy when I think about the covenant of baptism

In “come follow me” this week, we read Mosiah 18:10-11.

Alma, taught his people about the covenant of baptism, and then said:

Verse 10.  now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before Him, that ye have entered into a covenant with Him, that ye will serve Him and keep His commandments, that He may pour out His spirit more abundantly upon you?

Verse 11.  and now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed:    This is the desire of our hearts.

-It has been a privilege to spend time with David & see him look forward to this baptism day with such joy.

 Number 9- I can be excited & prepared to partake of the Sacrament each Sunday

Today is an amazing day

      But I know that David is looking forward to May 26Th.

That‘s when he will be able to partake of the Sacrament.

In about 10 extraordinary minutes,

David will have a chance to renew his baptism covenant.

That clean feeling can be an ongoing miracle each week.

Number 10- I can apply the atonement of Jesus Christ everyday

That’s why we are here today.

The atonement of Jesus Christ changed David, 

& can change each one of us.

Thank you, David for your example & desire to change & grow

I wish you well as you take giant steps forward on the covenant path.

I will be a better person because of you. 

Sister bushnell


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