Monday 7-15-24

 This morning I woke up super early again

And this time I just decided I’m gonna get up

So I did, and I started my day

 And then I started to ponder

Why is my Heavenly Father waking me up this early?

What is He trying to tell me?

What do I need to do in the mornings that I have not been doing?

It is in the mornings, when it is the most calm, the most peaceful

That is the best time to talk to God

No distractions from the world

Everybody is asleep

Your  home

In the peaceful morning

It’s just like being in the temple

you can have ultimate peace

In your home

In the morning, right when you wake up

In my opinion

This is the best time to reach out to God

To pray, and to talk to God however you do it 

just keep doing it

(( sometimes I wonder, am I saying these things for me or am I saying these things for other people that are reading my blog..

Because I just hit the microphone and I just start talking and then later on I go back and look at what I’ve said or wrote and I’m like wow was that for me or was that for someone else and I just leave it…

I don’t know if it’s gonna inspire somebody

Or me later on

And so if I get inspired to say something, I’m just gonna leave it down just as it is 

I’m gonna go back and correct spelling which a lot of you know I do

But whether it is for somebody else reading this


If it’s for me 

I will have it when I need it the most

I’ll look at this blog more as my journal

Blog is such a Dumb name….

This is my journal of the day 

what I do every day

So I’m just gonna call it my journal ))

After I pondered,

About everything that you just read I had the decision that I was just gonna go do something that has been on my mind for quite a while and I’m just go do it

So I got dressed, as a disciple of God would 

In my opinion…

I try to dress like I am a disciple every day

Not just on Sunday

And I love going around talking to people about God

I know this is my Calling

How do I know this is my Calling?

Because I chose it before I got baptized

I am choosing of my own free will

To be a disciple of God

To walk around

 to uplift people

Give them encouragement

Let them know that they are not alone

I think this is what Christ would do today

I am just ::David::

But I am gonna be the best !!!


that I can be

So I decided, and I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time

I’m gonna live to the best of my ability and where I fail, I need God to help me

To the best of my ability, I am going to live my favorite scripture

3rd Nephi 5:13

After I read my favorite scripture 

another scripture popped into my mind and so I’m gonna share this now

And here you go I’ll let you figure out what I was reading. Good luck…

So because I know I want to be a disciple what do I have to do?

I’m going to walk around

And I am not going to hide who I am

I love the scriptures

I love talking about my Savior 

I love talking about what God has done for me

Oh, I love that God saw me as a lame man

Just like in the song, “I heard him come”

And because God healed me

It is my opportunity to walk around…

I can walk !!!

 and try to heal His children

I have seen some horrible things.

 I have done some horrible things.

And I want to remember the things I have done

I don’t want to forget about them

Because if I do forget about them, then I lose sight of what other people are going through

And because I remember all the garbage that I have done

I now see others in those same situation’s I was in

I remember how horrible and lonely it felt before God reached down and pulled me up

And I want to reach out and help others

And the hardest part

Is I don’t know if they’re ready or not

So what can I do to help them?

I know if I tell somebody their problems 

they’re just gonna throw up their arms 

They are gonna get angry. 

They’re gonna get mad and they don’t want to talk to you anymore.

So that is not the solution…….

I know that if I just ignore what they’re doing, and just let them get away with it…….

They’re going to think that I gave up on them

So that’s not the solution…….

They are going to lose hope that you don’t love them anymore

And then they’re just gonna keep going downhill where they’re going

So that’s not the solution……

So how do I…

Help my brothers and sisters all my family

Everybody that chose Jesus Christ in the pre-mortal world

Has a body now here today

On this planet

That is an amazing gift that Heavenly Father 

gave you because you choose 

His Son Jesus Christ

And now you have an opportunity to use that body

And prove to God that you really want to follow His Son

Are you???

What are you doing in your daily life that when others look at you

They know that you are a disciple ?

These are all my thoughts this morning, as I’m driving towards the temple

I live in Orem

And I feel inspired to go to the temple today, so here is my view

I’m not good as the selfie thing so I’ll take it and that’s what you get

As I was walking around the conference center 

I saw an elderly gentleman, and he was jogging down the road and this was at 6:30 in the morning

And I went up to him, and I said, I think it is amazing that you are jogging and keeping in shape and I said good job keep going

And we talked for a minute or so, while he kept jogging up and down

I love to see people not be lazy and get up and run and move and make themselves better

Because I know what it’s like to be in that lazy state that you feel 

It’s like you can’t do anything, and you just keep getting fatter and fatter and it’s unhealthy

So I get excited when I see people, exercising and trying to improve their lives

And I will go up and tell everyone I can 

to keep going.

 They can do it 

they can push it.

Not unhealthy, but smart

You never wanna push your body because that’s how you’re going to hurt it

But at the same time you need to find a balance between pushing and growing to become better

You can’t give up

It’s just like that picture and I hope I can find it 

where the frog is trying to get out of the storks throat

Never give up I think it’s what it was called

Look it up

Sometimes you just feel like you can’t do anymore

But you have to always believe that God is with you and he’s going to support you

You just have to believe

As I was walking towards the conference center the old one

I saw a woman walking with a disability walker

And I told her I was so proud of her walking

And then I said, have you ever thought of water aerobics

And I said I shattered my back and I told her my story and I said you know what I’m just gonna lift up my shirt if that’s OK and show you my back

And then I showed her what I have been through, and I told her to never give up

And I told her the days where I kept trying, and I felt wonderful

In the pool because that was my healing spot

And she has to find her own healing spot between her and  God

But never give up 

keep fighting

If you want celestial happiness, then you are gonna do everything in your power to fight for it

Even if it is hard…

Because God chose you to come down at this time…

Who are you following…? 

I know of nobody more righteous now on the earth then my Prophet president Nelson

I say he is my prophet because I accept him ( president Nelson )

As the speaker for God in this day

And I need to Follow the Prophet

If he says “ Think celestial”


What do I need to prepare for

Why out of all the things going on?

All the temples being built

I’m looking at the Salt Lake Temple now

And they are doing some major… major… emergency fix…just in case

In my opinion, getting ready for something coming…

Like they know, an earthquake is coming

He’s our prophet…….of course he knows…

So by looking over here at the temple, and what the Prophet is preparing for

What do I need to prepare for just in case an emergency is coming

So if I was to follow the Prophet now 

in my own opinion…….

I can see that he thinks( in my mind ) 

Or the prophet knows an earthquake is coming, and he needs to prepare Gods temple for it

So if the prophet knows an earthquake is coming and he is preparing Gods house for this event

How can I prepare my house?

How can I prepare me…….

For this upcoming event?

When is it going to be 

nobody knows..

God does though…

And He ( God ) told President Nelson 

in my opinion…

get ready…

So I need to make a decision. 

What am I getting ready for 

 or what emergency 

or just in case 

what am I preparing for?

Am I sitting back like the 5 virgins? In the Bible

Just thinking everything is….

all is well

Or am I getting ready for whatever is coming?

But if I don’t take the steps today…….

To prepare

Just like the prophet is doing…

I will not be ready..

I will be like those five virgins in the Bible.

Who ..

when the emergency or the disaster or or when Christ came 

they weren’t ready

And they missed out on everything because they just let the world take them in

 They got so involved in the world 

they couldn’t see what was happening.

They couldn’t understand what was going on

And when the time came

When the bride groom was ready

Those five virgins that did not prepare

They We’re left outside of His presence

 I need to prepare everything I can

I need to go back through all the old prophecies

Of the last days because I think we’re getting  close

In my opinion…….

And I need to start preparing just in case

In my own opinion…….

For the church to spend that much money on a temple that is that important

To make sure that it will stand for all millennium

No matter what disaster comes

The Prophet is preparing

He is getting ready for whatever is coming…

 I need to follow the Prophet 

I need to follow God

And I am here today to find out how…

I just opened up the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints

And the talk or quote of the day is really cool

Because that’s where I am

And so I am going to listen to it

And then see what happens after that

Ok it’s 8:10 am and i’m starting to feel the sun, so I’m gonna start walking around again and try to cool down

And give my back a rest  

Cause sitting is not my favorite thing. It really hurts.

Time to do an update

I went back downstairs into the parking garage

And sat down my scriptures on my chair in my van

And I have the” to draw closer to God” book by President Eyring

And so I grabbed it. I went back upstairs and I waited till it was gonna open at 9 o’clock. I believe 

I sat on the planter that was in the shade, so I don’t have to be in my suit coat in Sun

And right when I put my feet up on the curb 

Indian style like I did when I was a kid

My pants, crotch ripped a little bit 

nothing bad 

but I noticed 

I’m like oh no….

First, I try to hide it with my tie

It didn’t work very well

But it Did work good enough and so I read one chapter of President Eyring‘s book

Then I decided I couldn’t do the Tie trick anymore

So I got up and I don’t know the area of salt lake

And I asked the parking attendant if he could write down his scripture  

I handed him a pink sticky note and I need to leave 

and go buy some pants real quick 

cause my pants ripped…….


And I asked him where is the closest Deseret industries?

He had no idea

So then the store NPS entered my mind because I’ve been up there before

So I looked it up where it was

The Internet told me it was 38 minutes away. I’m like no way because I’ve been there.

 It’s in South Salt

So I started to drive by memory

And I ended up in some very interesting places

The first place I ended up at 7-Eleven

Because I know, my credit cards are not working for some stupid reason even though I have money in the bank

I decided to withdraw $100. 

I really don’t have it but I feel like I wanted  to 

So I immediately went up to the cashier and I said this is what I’m doing

I just withdrew $100 out of your ATM and I showed her the receipt and she was over there watching me from behind the counter

And I told her as many fives as you can give me

I will take them and I  laid out all the $20’s on the cash register table area

And she was able to give me $80 in fives without hurting her later in the day

 because we discussed  this and I didn’t want to hurt her in anyway

I told her what I was doing, which is this

This was my inspiration for the day that I have been putting off

Because I don’t have the money

So I decided to do it today and to listen finally to God

She gave me $80 in fives

And I said thank you and I went back and I bought every Powerade drink. They head back there probably like eight of them cause I still have to watch my money.

And as I was checking out, she said that the food right there is on sale for a dollar 

you can get as much as you want 

any of it for one dollar

And I bought $20 worth

And I spent the other $20 that I got out of the ATM 

And then I went outside and sat in my van

And I drove away

And I don’t like taking phone calls or texting while I drive, 

but my doctor was calling me 

my Family-Doctor

And I saw her Earlier in the week

And I asked her if she could give me a physical and to see where I’m at 

if I can work or not

I want to find out for myself,

 because if I can work, I’m going to work

But if I cannot work, I am not gonna hurt myself again

 I am not gonna allow myself to go back to where I was

When I was crippled

When I was without money

When I was without the world

Well, I can tell you this 

I will stay with God

And I will follow the Prophet

((Sorry, had another side track. I do that a lot I apologize.))

So my doctor called me and I scheduled an appointment and since I don’t like talking on the phone while I am driving 

I pulled into the nearest store and it was another 7-Eleven and I just parked and talked on the phone to my doctor 

so I could be safe for myself and others and not drive while I’m driving 

I think it’s what Christ would do…

After I was done talking, to my Doctor, I looked up and there was a guy licking a really long Butterknife

He had tattoos all over his face and all over his arms

And I have a lot of friends that look like him

So I know that he is my brother, 

even though I don’t know him……. I know he is my brother….

And with me being in my suit and tie today, 

I might look mean in a way and I don’t mean to,

 but that’s the way that the world turned me into

I don’t like to smile unless I am having a good time. 

I am a pretty serious person unless you  or we are having fun or having a good time.

And so I pointed at him and he saw me and I used my finger to call him over

And instantly he looked scared

And I stopped him about 5 feet away from my window of my van , and I asked him a question

My question was

Why are you eating off a knife out of the bag with your clothes with you?

And he straight up, said my car broke down over there and I need help and he was straight up about it

And then I said this to him

I said brother I have $80 in five dollar bills and I showed it to him

And then I said, I have a bag full of cold drinks right here

And I have a bag full of candy right here and I showed it to him and he looked inside my van

And then I told him I only have $80 to hand out because I am disabled

But I am choosing to serve like my Savior would

 and so I am willing to give up this $80 to help as many people as I can today

So I’m going to ask you again brother…….

I know that you have car problems and I know that you need help. 

That’s why I’m talking to you.

But at the same time,

 I want you to know, 

however much money you take from me right now 

you are  taking that away from others that might need it more than you……

I told him I am willing to give him all of it. 

I’m willing to give him five dollars. 

I’m willing to give him as much as he wants 


he can take a drink or he can take food or he can have all of it…

but I wanted him to know what I was doing.

And I looked him right in the eye as I told him, and we had eye contact 

And then his countenance changed

He looked at me, and he said




I will take a drink


And not five minutes before he was telling me how much he needed that money

In this brief meeting

My brothers heart softened

Because he knew that I was telling the truth

And then I asked him

I have protein cookies down here that I have that are really good. 

For When I work out

Would you like any of those?

He said no

And I felt inspired to give him two anyway

And I told him what he needs to do to fight the world

For him

It’s what I had to do

I said, start dressing like a disciple of God

Start acting like a disciple of God

Start believing in God

And I promise you 

In the name of Jesus Christ 

He God will pull you out of any situation you were in or are in

Jesus Christ is the Answer !!!

And then I shook his hand

And drove away

I then tried to use the Internet again

And it told me the wrong address again, so I said  forget it

I’m just gonna drive and try to remember where it was

I  then turned around, and I saw a man standing back in the bushes And I wondered if he  needed help

I parked about 10 feet away in an empty parking lot

And I started to tell him what I was doing

As I was walking towards him

And he talked back in a different language, and I only know English 

So I pulled out Google translate

And I asked him what language he was speaking he told me it was Spanish

So I told him what I was doing with the money 

with the food 

and all that I was doing

and I asked him if he needed help

He then said no, I just came here to look for a job and he pointed to the post office.



I am so proud of my brother, who didn’t need help

Didn’t ask for help

He was on a mission to get a job and take care of his family

And he didn’t need free handouts

I am very proud to call him my brother

I said it is very hot out here. Would you like a drink at least

And he said yes please

So we walked over to my van

And not 5 feet away. I opened up my van door and he looked in and saw  my scriptures on my chair on  front seat.

And he got really excited and he said do you go to church?

And I said yes, I just got baptized two months ago on May 23rd 

And he immediately called somebody

And he started to talk to them really quickly

While I was getting the drinks out

And then he handed me the phone and it was really loud outside with all the traffic 

so I couldn’t hear the guy so I put the phone right up to my ear

And I told him ……. The guy on the phone 

what brought us talking today here in this parking lot 

And then I quoted my favorite scripture to him over the phone

And for some reason I was shaking while I was doing it, my hand started to shake

And then I offered them my business card

And I said, I don’t want you to buy any of my products

All I would ask for you to do is read my story

Read my blog, my journal 

anything you get inspired to read

And if you get inspired to do some thing,

 here’s what I challenge you to do


Get down on your knees

And have a silent prayer with your Heavenly Father 

And ask God what you need to do…

what you just got inspired to do

And before you do anything else 

close your prayer in the name of Jesus Christ 

that is very important

3rd Nephi 13: 6-8

And then ask yourself

Is this something the Prophet…President Russell M.Nelson…would do?

If you can picture your Savior, Jesus Christ

 doing what you were inspired to do

Or the Prophet 

Then act…

Don’t put it off….

Do it now…

Next, I drove to the NPS store

There were no parking spaces till the very end of the parking lot

And there was a guy loading a trailer with his white truck and trailer 

And I said excuse me He was loading boxes into a trailer

I said 

if I park here are you still gonna be able to get out?

Then he stopped what he was doing went around to the front of the truck and said yes you’ll be fine.

He then said.  Thank you for asking.

I then went back to my vehicle, locked it and started to walk towards the store

And I went towards the building and there was trash on the ground as I was walking

 so I picked it up

There was also a little white toy that some kid dropped

So I picked that up also and I put it right by the front of the steps so they could see it as they were coming out

It was like half an egg or something

With a toy inside

I could’ve thrown it away, but I figured that little kid is sad 

that he’s losing a toy

so I’d rather have him to keep it and find it again

So I put it by the front door

I walked into the store and the greeter store person said hello In broken Spanish and English

I said, are there any suit pants in here?

She said no that is the other store, and she turned around and pointed to it

I began to walk out and then I thought hey, they might have weights here for me

So I turned around and asked her where the weights are 

and she pointed right to them and I walked over and I grabbed two 12 pound weights barbells

So I carried a 12 pound weight out of in each hand on my way out back to my van 

that’s parked really far away

So I got my workout for the day. Good deal. Woo hoo 

because I skipped the pool today so I can 

come here and  serve others today

I then drove over to the other store

And I went through all the clothing, and they did not have any suit pants any where

So I went to the desk and I said do you guys have any suit pants anywhere?

And she said go look back in that store. It might have it.

I had no idea I was in multiple stores. I thought I was in the NPS  store.

I went back there and I found one pair of pants and I bought them for $67 which I again don’t have but I had to.

Because of the hole in my pants

 I can’t wear the other ones with a hole 

As I was leaving the store, I was looking for a way to get back on the freeway and I turned down a  road. I’ve never been on

And I saw the freeway, so I turned right, but it led me to a building rather than

To the freeway, so I noticed that they were having public tours free

I  parked in the handicap stall because my back was hurting

And I went in and there 

And were two people at the front desk

And I told them  my situation

I said excuse me, I have a hole in my pants and I just barely bought a new pair of pants. Do you have a bathroom that I can go change in

She said yes,

 it’s right over there. 

I said I wasn’t sure if you were going to let 

me so I left the pants at my car. 

Let me go grab it and I said thank you again.

So I walked back up to my car, and I took off my suit jacket coat because it was hot

And I grabbed these new pants that I bought

And I took the pants in with in a brown paper bag, and I left the receipt stapled to the bag so they can see I had just bought them

And I said I want to show you inside the bag so you know that it’s safe in every way

Then I went back to the Bathroom, and I noticed a major mistake that I made

The pants fit perfect around the waist. They’re a little short, but that’s OK.

But these are some of the shallowest pockets I’ve ever had

My wallet will  not fit in the pocket it just falls out

My phone definitely will not fit

The only thing that will fit in my pockets right now is my pink, sticky note pad, and the wad  of five dollar bills

Everything else I’m like holding in my hands as I walk back out to the front desk

And I said, I had no idea that these pockets were this shallow

I’m sorry, but I need to go back out to my car again

And go put my suit jacket back on, so I can hold everything in the pockets inside my coat

So I walked back out to my car again 

got my suit jacket back out of the car. I guess I’m gonna wear it today.

And then I put everything in the pockets and I walked back inside this building. 

This building was doing free public tours.

This is the building I pulled into

They had some really fascinating stuff in there

And she told me I could not take pictures, except if I asked if I could

And then they told me I had to walk within the yellow lines I said OK

The sister missionaries that walked me around

I asked each of them to give me some scriptures 

that they were Inspired to give me after they had just watched me with a whole pant with a hole


These are the scriptures, the sister missionaries gave me

And then I took the tour

I took two pictures while I was in there

I want to show you what they were

They told me about this amazing product and how it’s going out from country to country and it’s really easy to make

And the recipes online is what I understood

This would be great for my 72 hour kit

I asked if they’re handing this out in the United States

They said they are not sure

They didn’t think there was a demand in the United States enough to give it out

So I wanted to take a picture of it so I can learn more about it and how I can use this product how anybody can use this amazing product they were talking about

I have not looked it up yet, but I am going to

I want to learn more about this product

I stopped by a store and I was thinking you know what if I ever wanted my own tent


 I just went camping and I was in a horrible tent 

but it worked and I’m grateful for it

This is the temp that I saw that I was really impressed with

And it’s very cheap for what it is

Especially after what I thought about with The Prophet 

getting ready for a disaster with the temple 

from my thoughts this morning 

In my opinion…….

A tent with a nice hard floor that I know I don’t have to worry about bugs and animals and creatures but it’s steady and it protects with the rain

And the wood won’t get ruined if it does rain because it’s built up on stilts

I think this would be perfect for what I need

I then begin to think about my brother in the parking garage. You wrote down a scripture for me, and I didn’t want to make him think that I was lying about coming back.

So I drove around until I found the freeway, it took me a little bit

And then I drove down in the parking garage, and I stopped

And I asked the parking attendant for the sticky note pad, and he had no clue what I was talking about

So I drove off

And I parked in the P3 garage and I went straight up and I went to the second floor where I knew the chairs were the comfy ones for my back

And I saw two sister missionaries and I said, would it be OK if I went and sat in those chairs and wrote about Jesus Christ

And I said before you answer, let me pull out my journal/blog

And anything you feel inspired to read please read it

I’m going to go up there and I’m gonna watch the video about Jesus

You read as much as you want

And then I will come back for it and then you tell me if I can go over there and sit there

They read three different things

And then they walked back to me, and said yes, you can go sit over there and do your blog/journal

As I’m writing this, I actually had a question

And even though I have my iPad in front of me

My Scriptures in front of me

I feel inspired to go ask the sister missionaries where to find a scripture

And that was the scripture 3rd Nephi 13:6

Now you can see where I’m at in the story as I’m writing about today

About praying in silence

So now I caught up to where I am in the day

And when I went over there, I noticed that the sisters moved and there were two new sisters sitting down

And one of the sister missionaries was one of the very first sister missionaries I ever met in this building

And I said hi how are you doing?

And I could see the glow in her eyes

She told me a little bit about her mission

But I was focused on the other missionary, unfortunately

Trying to find out where the scripture was from her because that’s who I need to talk to you why I don’t know

But I already knew that the other sister missionary was on God side

I’ve talked to her I know she is my sister, my eternal sister

And I wanted to meet somebody new and new sister

An amazing daughter of God, who is taking time out of her life right now, to serve God

She not only found the scripture I was looking for, but she found three others

I am so grateful for her example to just right away look up scriptures that other people are in need of that might help them 

She is one of my heroes. I am grateful for her 

this sister missionary 

Now that I’ve written everything down, I am going to go take a tour of the conference Center 

Because that is where I am.

I went back over to say good bye to the sister missionaries 

And they were gone we got brand new ones

Sitting in the same seats

So I walked directly over to him, handed out my pink sticky notepad, and I said any scripture or anything you get inspired to write down please give it to me

They looked at me and I walked away

I started to walk back

And they were still riding, so I turned and watched the video that was playing

About temples

And when they first came into the Utah valley, they started out with sandstone

To build the temple

And then they had to switch over to granite

To make it stronger

Through Inspiration

Sorry, I got sidetracked again

Because of the video I was watching

This is the sticky notepad the sister missionaries gave me

My back is really starting to hurt so I’m gonna probably be done for the day and start driving home, but I need to ask a few more people for a few more scriptures who I don’t know yet, but I look forward to doing it

Later on, I will look up the scriptures and I will post them

I like my random scripture sticky note pad game

I walked into the new conference center

And there were two sister missionaries talking to two people from Italy

I briefly interrupted and asked the sister 

Missionaries if I could sit over there for my back

While they talked to 2 sisters from italy

I then waited till their whole conversation was over

And as the two missionaries kept sitting in the chair

The other two people from Italy

Started to walk away

I felt inspired to ask the two people from Italy for any quote or scripture that they wanted

She gave me a hug out of nowhere

And this is what she wrote down

After I got done talking to my sisters from Italy

I got another hug from her

And then I went over to the sister Missionaries and asked them the same thing for a scripture or a quote whatever they were inspired to give

And they heard my whole life story

And now they are over there discussing what they want to give me while I am sitting over here in my chair just being patient waiting

I’m going to take a picture of the  pants that I bought today how short they are and the conference center that is right in front of me

I am going to add up all the scriptures and then do them at the end of the day because I just got a ton of them

And I got a really cool note from a little girl which I will share with you. It’s on a white piece of paper

As I was leaving the conference center I went and said goodbye to the sister Missionaries and I said out of all the pictures that are out here what  are your favorites?

And I said I will go take a picture of them the pictures

And I will post them on my blog/journal

These are the two pictures the sister Missionaries gave me

Then i went down to my van and left

As I was leaving, I saw a really awesome woman doing the parking ticket booth

That I talk to last time I was here and we talked briefly because there wasBut it was really awesome to see her still smiling

As I was debating on which way I want to go home because my back is hurting quite bad

I decided to stayOn State Street

And I was getting sick of the construction so I turned left down a random road

And I saw a guy with a red wagon

And it looks like he was sitting or laying down underneath the shade under a tree

So I pulled into

Wells Fargo bank  area

And I grabbed two of these

I grabbed one power ade drink 

And I made sure that I had the wad of five dollar bills in my pocket

And I grabbed a picture of Christ that I got from the conference center

A little while ago, a sister missionary handed me a whole bunch of them

So I hand them out

I then went over to him and said excuse me May I talk to you?

I told him what I was doing

And he said five dollars will be enough

And so I gave him a drink and two energy bars for later and this picture 

And then I asked him. Do you know where anyone else that is homeless that I can go help

And he pointed at the red wagon

He said that they can use help also

I looked him in the eye, and I said

If you will promise that you will give your friend the five dollars that I’m about to give you two cookies and a drink and a picture of Christ 

Just like you, I will go back and get them if you will be a man of your word and hand it to your friend when they come back 

He shook his hand and agreed to it

I then walked back to my van to get the other stuff

And when I went to go hand it to him

He wasn’t drinking. He wasn’t eating. He was looking at the picture of Christ 

I gave  him another drink, a picture of Christ, two cookies and five more dollars for his friend

Now I am back in my van, looking for the next people who are in need of help

Until I run out of five dollar bills


I make it home

I will write as I go







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