Friday part 2 and Saturday 7-12 and 7-13-24

 First, this is going to be an apology to anyone reading my blog and not seeing your scripture show up that I got from you earlier

I just opened up my wallet and discovered a bunch of sticky notes that I haven’t used yet or written down yet because after I use them, I go and put them in a pile 

in the same pile 

so I can review them later

unfortunately I don’t know when I got these ….on some of them,

 but I have every color of sticky notepad in front of me

So I feel bad for those that were waiting for their scripture on their day

But maybe…maybe they will all go together and it will make sense in someway to me

This one I got this morning Which is Saturday by the way

Today when I am writing this

So I guess this is Friday part two and Saturday 

OK, my 1st scripture 

Alma 17:13 

Sister Ramage Gave me this morning ( Saturday)

And then she wrote this at the bottom of her note

The next scripture that I found in my wallet 

going according to color I guess…….

2nd Nephi 2:23

This scripture is from Elder Heslington

And then he wrote this at the bottom of his note

The next scripture that I found in my wallet was 

Romans 5:12

And the next one I found in my wallet was

Next one I have is

1st Nephi 21:14-16

Next one  is from JT

Alma 36:3

And the last is the Best Color in the World…….

White is my Favorite color…….

On the white sticky note it was…Alma 17:10

So I hope that was the last scripture I lost….

but found again…….

hopefully I don’t have anymore I have forgotten 

Or that God has saved for me to write for today,

For reasons only known to Him…

Now I don’t feel bad anymore about forgetting about these sticky notes…….

Let me tell you more about Saturday, which is today

This morning, I woke up and went to the pool

And there was a brand new technician there that I have never seen before

I immediately introduced myself and told her I was in charge of the pool

And then I asked her if she had ever done anything with the pool before

She said no.

I asked Who was The physician today?

She told me

And I said oh that’s the guy from that therapy building in orem

 he’s a really good guy

I like him a lot

Then I said,

 I am training all the technicians on how to take care of the pool. 

If you have time today I would like to show you.

She said I have time now

So we walked back into the maintenance room

And I showed her where I write down the rules on how to do it properly

Then I asked her to read it and  I walked away

After she was done reading, I then went back in the room and 

 I then asked her 

what is step number one ?

She was very intelligent

She didn’t have to go back to the paper very much 

she had almost everything memorized

I did everything once and she watched me do it…….

And then I asked her to do it…….

She questioned herself once and the things that she needed to grab…….

She paused for a second 

I could tell she was questioning herself 

( Because I was standing there next to her )

But I told her that she had everything in her hand 

and she had everything she needed to get it done right

And then  she did it without me even telling her how to do it

She watched me

And then she applied what she saw almost exactly

She asked a few questions which were very intelligent 

I was telling her how to calculate how much chlorine to put in when it’s low

In The spa

And I did the math for her, and I told her about it

And then I gave her a trick question. 

I said OK now the pool is this low with chlorine 

(And it’s a lot bigger than the spa)

How much would we need to pour in the pool?

She did all the math and calculation In her mind to figure out how much bigger it was

 she asked all the right questions

And then I told her approximately what the math was

And she figured out instantly what she needed

And I said OK…….

go grab it 

and show me

And she had no hesitation whatsoever 

she grabbed the chlorine…….

she poured in the right amount…

Fifteen minutes later……

We tested it and it was perfect…

She did the right calculation the very first time she’s ever been working on the pool

I was very impressed…

Wow, this is a very smart woman

Whoever is going to marry her is a very lucky guy

After she finished cleaning the pool ……. screening the top of the water

While I was in the pool with the other pool screener

helping her out on the other side of the pool opposite of where she was

She had the long pole standing up on the deck

I had the broken one thats hard to use

Also she was Cleaning the round covers as if she has done it before

After watching me once…

She went back to her job up front

And I asked her 

As she was leaving

if I could get a scripture from her…

( She reminded me of “Ammon”

He ( Ammon ) remembered all he was asked to do, even if it was hard.

She ( this technician ) who worked the front counter today 

is…….one of my Hero’s !!!

  At how fast she was able to calculate

The problem and then solve it within a minute 

and she did everything I asked her to do with exactness…

Again, she is very intelligent…)

She went back to the counter after she was done cleaning the pool 

And I asked her if she would write down any scripture she wanted and anything she was inspired to say

And after I was done in the pool, 

I would come by and grab it later

 so she didn’t have to worry about getting it to me right away…….

Her scripture was…

The very first scripture I posted today

The bright green sticky note…

After she left, to work the front desk

 I got into the pool and started to work out

I was in the pool and I met a brand new woman that joined the pool

She has been for a couple weeks

And she’s had a lot of back issues

I Told her she is welcome to any equipment up there on the wall

And if she has any questions, feel free to ask

And then I let her do her own thing

Halfway through, we were listening to my peaceful music

And she said I want your playlist

And I said I don’t mind if I share it with you, but it’s big

I told her 

There is over 600 songs on it

And then I told her how I was inspired on how to find them

(Which I’m gonna talk about a little  bit later…

I’ve been doing a weeklong personal study

On my experiment on prayer for me……)

I then said one of my favorite musicians that I listen to 

that brings the Holy Ghost closer for me

I feel so much more at peace while I listen to…….

Brian Daw

I love listening to his music, 

His music and praying at the same time. 

I feel the Holy Ghost so strong.

That’s how I know If it’s good to listen to, 

or if it’s not..

If I can’t pray  while I listen to it

In my opinion…….

If I can’t pray and listen to something at the same time

I know that God does not approve

Because I cannot talk to him in prayer while I’m doing something else

If something i am listening to is distracting me from God

I don’t want it

( Sorry I got sidetracked again. I do that a lot.)

After I left the pool

My friend Aaron texted me

This was at 10:15-ish

As I was driving towards his house

He told me that he was somewhere else

So I quickly turned around and went towards Where he was

When I pulled up to where he was, there were two chairs out in the grass

And two more in the background in the sun

He was sitting in the shade it looked Very comfortable so I joined him

I only went over there briefly to talk to him about something and to apologize

For something I felt bad about

He had no clue what I was talking about

But I still felt like I needed to say something and apologize

And that took a lot of tension and pressure off me

And basically he said don’t worry about it

I then began to talk to him about a lot of things 

we were laughing. 

We were joking around. 

We were talking about hanging from trees and just being kids again.

But looking and acting like adults 

Like we always imagined when we were kids

How we imagined ourselves as adults 

And then “Life” got in the way

Why did we turn out so miserable???

And I told him…

What I do is……. learn how to be the biggest kid in the world right now

But do it like an adult would to it

An Old wise man…

So have fun…….

Do what ever you want…….

don’t let all the world weigh you down……

Go out enjoy life…

Don’t be stupid..

Live the way that God would…

Imagine that…….He( GOD ) was by your side 

always walking with you…

( I bet You wouldn’t be doing HALF the things you are doing now )

Living the right way…

Living His way…

Choose the right…

Choose God…

But have fun…

Enjoy life…….that’s what life is all about !!!

Stop getting drowned down by all your worries..

Your problems..

All your what if’s..

And what about my past…

Your past.

And then I gave him a scripture

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Which keeps coming up over and over to me from other random people

And the funny part was

I wrote it down

And I began to quote the first part, because that’s what I only have memorized

But the funny part is I kept going and I kept going, and I kept going until it was over

 the whole scripture

And then I said WOW!

I had no idea that I had that memorized

He then stuck out his hand automatically and gave me a fist bump

Because I just learned some thing 

that I didn’t know…….

even though I already knew it…

If it doesn’t make sense to you…….

 it makes perfect sense to me…

 ( An amazing talk from

from our Amazing Prophet President Nelson on October 2023

“Think Celestial!” )

And then I texted Aaron

Because he asked for the scriptures we talked about

So here’s the crazy part. I went over there at 10:30-ish.

I left his house at almost 3pm

I had no idea that I was going to be over there talking to him for over four hours

He Then went inside to cool down 

because we were out in the hot heat under shade 

I Thank God for the Shade

It got up to 98 degrees today. I think 

it was hot 

very muggy though 

which is nice.

After I left his home, I was driving home and ice cream popped in my head

And I thought I have ice cream at home

And then I felt inspired to go to Winco and buy some ice cream

So I turned left Instead of going right…….

And drove to the store

Again, I parked as far away from the store as I could 

so I could get extra exercise 

and so people less fortunate than me 

don’t have to walk as far

I Went straight back to the ice cream aisle

And then thought

I’m going to get ice cream last so it doesn’t melt

I need to buy some Liquid caramel

And jelly squeeze strawberry

So I can put them in the ice cream shakes

As I was walking back across the store towards the ice cream

I saw a store worker she had kind of a frown on her face

So I said hello, how are you today?

And we briefly talked, and when I left, she was in a lot better attitude / mood

I then looked down to my right by my feet

And I saw my mom’s old favorite candy bar 

rocky road ( the red kind ) From when she was a kid

 Or younger at least…

So I grabbed four of those for her ice cream shake

I began to walk towards the ice cream 

and I looked to my left and I saw Oreos

I know that my dad loves mint oreo anything 

Or “Grasshopper milkshake” from when he was younger

So I figured I would treat him to some ice cream or a shake

And then when I went to grab the ice cream, 

there was one that had a broken handle on it

That’s the one I grabbed

Nobody else wanted it because it was broken

I figured it would taste the same

Plus I had to carry it differently,

 so it helped me build muscles in my hands

As I was checking out

The guy checking me out wouldn’t even look me in the eye 

wouldn’t even acknowledge I was there.

He had so much on his mind about his life

It seems like he was in a really dark state..

I will pray for my dear Brother 

As I was leaving the store

A Store employee was sitting in a chair

And he looks like he was greeting people as they were coming in

Or he was saying goodbye to everybody I wasn’t sure

Or he was on break

Or he was exhausted 

And sat down…….

So I said, I hope you have an amazing day

He said I hope you have a great day

I walked out the doors

I then reached down into my bag

Grabbed one of the candy bars that I bought for my mom 

because I got four of them

And I went back and I said I really hope you have an amazing day

And I handed him one of the candy bars

And he got a really big smile on his face and said thank you

I said you’re welcome.

 Then I walked away

Then, as I was leaving the store

I was inspired to go to my sister’s house

And I thought OK

So I drove over there and I said what kind of shakes do you want?

And I told them everything I had just bought

And my brother in law said I want a mint Oreo shake

And I said, do you want it thin or thick?

He said thick

Then I went in their house and did a few other things around the house as I was looking for a blender and other things that were coming to my mind

As I walked back in the kitchen

My brother-in-law said why don’t you just go home?

And make it there that’s where all the family is

I said 

I had no idea family were coming over 

( It was a type of surprise to help my family out )

I understood then why I bought the tub of ice cream

The caramel

The strawberry

The three candy bars ( was 4 )

And the mint Oreo cookies

It was so I could share with my family and help them forget about the heat

And picking up fruit

( When I was a kid, I hated the job of picking up fruit )

When I pulled up

My sister and my Little nephews We’re out in the yard picking up apricots

Because earlier I had trimmed the tree for my dad

And it left a ton of apricots on the ground

So they came over as a surprise to my family

They didn’t tell anybody they were coming over

So I got to know the surprise for my parents when I drove to their house 1st

So right as I entered the door

I went straight upstairs and started making ice cream shakes for everybody

That whole gallon of ice cream was gone with in  20 minutes

After we ate ice cream

And drank shakes

And picked up apricots

My family decided they wanted to play some disc golf in the yard

I have a basket that is portable. 

I can move it around wherever I want.

We briefly played

And I was getting sick of walking around in my shoes and socks

So I took off my shoes and walked around in the grass barefoot 

With it being July

The grass is not all green. It’s a little bit dried out so it was pokey in a lot of areas.

So that caused my feet to hurt in some places, but I got used to it

My littlest nephew saw me without Shoes on 

so he began to take his shoes off also

But his parents asked him to keep them on

And he began to cry

Because he wanted his shoes off also

And he just stood in one spot

And he was so upset that he could not take off  his shoes

So everyone was calling him saying 

come here I’ll comfort you…

Do you want me to hold you?…..

I’m sorry, but you can’t have your shoes off…….

And he just kept crying the whole time…

Finally, when everybody was done trying 

Anything to get him to stop crying…

but he kept crying and not moving

For wanting his shoes off

Like me

He was in the way of our basket and where we were throwing from

Almost a direct line to the basket

I said come here

I will hold you and I will play disc golf with you

He ran into my arms

And I lifted him up above my head and almost tipped him over like I was gonna drop him, and then I started to shake him ( like a juice that has pulp in it that needs to be shaken )

He instantly stopped crying

And started to laugh

And so I kept doing it and in different positions all over the place 

He forgot about his bare feet And his shoes

Being on 

Then everybody threw their own disc towards the basket

One at a time

And I threw mine against the fence away from everybody else on accident

Back in the trees

I walked away with my little nephew towards my disc

And we ran over together as he was holding his hand around my pointer finger

To get my disc 

the yellow one

And then I asked him if he wanted to throw it with me

He said


He is very young and he doesn’t know many words 

 but he definitely knows what uh-huh means

So I held it with him

And I held onto it and I counted…

one and I pushed it out and then I brought it back to his stomach

And then I counted…

two and went out 

And then brought it back to his stomach

And then I said 

three …and I helped him let it go

And it went maybe 5 feet

And we ran over together to go get it

His hand around my finger

And I helped him pick it up and grabbed it the exact same way

With him

And again we did…….

one go all the way out with our arm

And it was really Awesome…

because this time he said  “ one” after I did

And then I said two really slowly, and I put my arm all the way out

And he said two…

And then we said three together and we threw it together another 5 feet maybe

We repeated this probably 10 times before we got to the basket

Saying and throwing the disc together…

And then we were about 5 feet away, from the basket and I said you can do it 

Throw it in the basket

And he did the exact same steps 1…2…3…and he counted himself The best he could

And then he tossed it in the basket. On his own

 It was so cool.

I wish I would’ve recorded it

We then ate raspberries again because they’re about to wither out 

so we were enjoying the last of them

Then I don’t know what brought up the subject

But it was about brushing your teeth

And because I made some horrible decisions in my past

I have false teeth

It was drugs. It was not taking care of myself. It was a lot of things. Eating to much sugar..

Drinking too much soda..

So I used this opportunity

To teach my nephews how important it was to brush your teeth

And I don’t know how it went or got around to this

But we were talking about brushing your teeth

And his grandma, my sister

Said you should see how David brushes his teeth

To the little nephews

And so the Oldest nephew got up to leave

To go inside to watch me brush my teeth 

And I said no wait 

Just wait here I’m gonna brush my teeth outside

He was really confused by this

He has only brushed his teeth in the bathroom

So he couldn’t comprehend how I was going to do it outside

So I went and grabbed 4  things

I grabbed a shower scrubby

I grabbed the toothbrush

And I grabbed some Toothpaste

And I grabbed a giant cup to hold it all in 

I then walked outside. I had a little bit of water in the cup too…

I was trying to think of the silliest way for me to brush my teeth in front of them

Just to make it fun

And I held up the toothbrush

And I said is this how you brush your teeth?

And he said yes

And then I held up the new shower scrubby that I had just gotten

I said is this how you brush your teeth?

And he said no, and he looked at me 

With the look and determination of 

no way you are crazy…….uncle…

So I then told him I don’t use a toothbrush

And I proceeded to put toothpaste

For the first time ever

On my new shower, scrubby

And I pulled out my top denture, which really made them fascinated

And before I was even able to show them me brushing my teeth with this shower scrubby

They came and opened my mouth and looked inside my mouth 

left and right and they were so fascinated

That I could take out my teeth

And the youngest one

My Nephew who only says


He tried everything in his power

To take out his teeth

Like I did

And he was getting really confused and frustrated 

he couldn’t get his teeth out

While I was able to take out my teeth

But he was not able to

My sister then began to record him

On her phone

As she was doing this, I used the opportunity

To show them how I brush my teeth teeth(  jokingly ) 

With a shower scrubby

It was very hard to figure out

And make it work

But it actually worked pretty well

So I am shocked and mildly impressed

I might keep using it

Because I was trying to make a joke to them

And make them laugh

But then I told them why I was able to take my teeth out

I taught them as little children, which they are

Why it is so important to brush your teeth

And why you need to listen to your parents !!!

On the things that they teach you

Even though you don’t understand them at the time…

Because I’ve lived through,

 not taking care of my teeth

I am going to use that opportunity to teach my little nephews and family

How important it is to brush your teeth

To floss

And to take care of your mouth

And what you eat

I wish I would’ve had the listening ear

When I was younger

But I thought I knew everything

I thought or I “knew”

I didn’t have to listen to my parents…

I knew everything and what I wanted in life

Boy was I wrong…….

( Sorry sidetrack thought again)

But it was so fun to teach them in a fun way 

because they understood…….

As they were leaving, they ( the two little nephews ) the oldest was saying to their parents and their grandma ( my sister ) 

How important it was To brush his teeth and how he was going to keep doing it 

(Because I was willing to joke around and have fun with them)

They then left

I came out on the deck

Had another hour discussion with my mom

About today

And now I am sitting in my rocking chair

As I am writing all this

I hope you have all an amazing night…….

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings…




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