What happened last Saturday . The pool

 I woke up  last Saturday, I made plans later that day with a good friend.

So I went to the pool did everything that needed to be done.

This Amazing brother of mine showed up and he helped me figure out things, With the pool and what’s going on and how maybe it can be worked out and get better

We talked the whole time, Just him and I for about two hours. It was great to have help taking care of the pool. 

Knowing that if I was to go somewhere or something was to happen, I know that somebody would take my spot and keep going To improve the pool. 

When those that are getting paid are not…..

I cannot fully say this because there are some amazing technicians there at the swimming pool. They give all their time and other energy’s to keep the pool safe.

These amazing technicians, Take time out of their time in the same building, To come back and do the responsibilities that they get paid for….

Often times I see the pool being as if  there is nobody that cares about it. It’s in the background. It’s an afterthought.

One of my biggest fears is after the new management takes over…. I really feel like the pool is going to be filled in and turned into more space for more exercise equipment….

For the younger generation…

If fyzical, Could truly understand how healing this pool is and what this pool has done not only to me, but to everybody that goes into this pool…

I know they wouldn’t shut it down, They have such a huge opportunity to bless other peoples lives, 

To bless people in need 

they could use his pool to change lives..

But they are not seeing the love put into it.

  They only see it As money going down the hole….

And I understand their point of view…

If more people could understand how precious, precious this pool is…

This is not a……

have the kids come over and play in  it…….

and do whatever….

that’s not what this pool is about…..

This pool is to come out and strengthen your body to improve your life

It’s not for playing……

it’s not for joking around…… 

It’s not for fun and games……


This is a healing pool. ……

I am living proof, living proof…..

And yet they’re willing to think that by tearing it down and let it go…..it’s gonna take care of their problems….

But what about all those who rely on it……

What about all those that drive an hour just to use this facility?

I know of other people that go to other physical Therapy places. 

Because the wait time is so much better at other therapy sessions…

 they don’t have to wait so long… 

But the reason they have to wait so long….here…It’s not a bad thing

Here at this building, this amazing building who is ran by amazing people. 

They take the time to hear you… 

They take the time to work through your problems and to help you out….

That is why the wait times are so long, some people wait two or three hours before they’re seen

And some wait five minutes…and then get worked on and leave

And then they come and join in the pool,

 if they want, after their therapy session with the staff,

 Just being able to get in the pool and relax your body after you’ve been worked-on…..it’s amazing even if you go soak in the hot tub after your therapy session you feel Ready and prepared for the Upcoming day…

 Your body is relaxed and energized, and after all that stress of being worked out and twisted and bent in ways that you don’t like …

You can now,,,after your session get in the pool get in the hot tub and they’re very warm….And let your body relax and take everything that they’ve worked on you….

And just let your body relax 

and just get all that tension that they just released out…Out of…you

And start your day fresh without all that tension.

Relax, even if it’s for 10 minutes in the pool or hot tub….just start the day fresh….

You can use this. After your appointment, it’s included.. In your visit….. so you can enjoy these Benefits that are nowhere else…

I just know that as soon as I write, these people are gonna complain that they’re shutting down the pool or that this is gonna happen or  This is gonna happen.

But this is not why I’m writing this….

From every point of view that I’ve talked to that I have observed, and I’ve listened to from everyone. This includes management. This includes technicians. This includes people coming to the pool. This includes people that don’t  even use the pool, but watch other people use the pool. And tell me about the benefits, they are seeing and people they are watching.

I see it from every Point of view

Every person has a valid reason why the pool should be shut down or the pool should remain open…

Everybody has a valid reason……

And I see that and I understand that…..

So by arguing and fighting and trying to prove your point to the other person who is correct ….just as you are….

All it’s gonna do is bring more anger and more negative focus to the pool

But if we can step back and understand the person’s point of view without instantly jumping to why we want it the way we want it

And listen to them and understand their point of view…

Without any judgment of how they feel….

This is when we will come into a perfect understanding of what needs to be done….

No arguing no fighting no complaining no anger….

Just talk about it peacefully on what we can do to fix it…or remove it 

I know the management, i know they see the benefits of it.

But I also know that nobody really cares for it anymore..

There is  About five faithful technicians who care for that pool….

And I am so grateful for them…

All the people that use the pool are so grateful for them…

Because they have not given up…

They have not said this is worthless. This is pointless. It’s not going anywhere…..

No,,,,These five technicians who work at this pool….

They are my Heroes ….

They are putting the hard work in, that nobody else is willing to do….

That nobody else cares about…

If this pool gets saved, it’s not because of what I’ve said….

Because I’m only there three hours a day…

And I have no say in what’s gonna happen or not because

I am just a volunteer…..

But these five Technicians, My sisters and my brothers are doing what they’re supposed to do…

If I could honor them in someway,…..

If i could Honor those that take care of this pool…….

 I would do it in the heartbeat……..

because they are giving hope to everybody that uses this pool….




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