The pool

 So I have been taking care of this Pool under the management involvement for about six months and during this time I have met some amazing people who have truly blessed my life, and I believe this pool is a healing pool.

The people that truly put in an effort, the people that truly want to change

I’m seeing miracles in my life. In their lives…

I am seeing everybody  that comes and uses this pool, and the transformation they are having. And just being a volunteer I really don’t have any say here

But I want to save this pool,

And I know everybody that comes and uses this  Pool feels the same way…

In Utah, where I live, It is the only heated Therapy pool at 93° It is 65 feet and 25 feet wide. It’s like it’s a giant hot tub and it’s perfect for people in pain…

who just need to feel like they’re in a giant bathtub…

 that need to relax and float and just let their worries away.

And I have seen peoples lives change here, truly, truly change and I am just one person taking care of this pool right now

I don’t even know why I’m saying this, but I need help

I need to save this pool, Again, I’ve tried to do everything that I thought I needed to do to save this Pool,

 but I think I need to start reaching out and asking for help, 

There is a dear brother out there who I talked to about a month ago, and we talked about this Pool,And how we can make it better how we can improve it…

I have been hoping every day that this brother can come back and I can talk to him, but if there’s anyone else out there willing to help I need help, This pool needs help,

And I think if we come together as a community, not just one person helping like myself but if we can become as One in purpose. 

If we can come together as a community, no protest no argument no fighting. Nothing To bring anger in anyway to either side ….

get together, work together, to fix it together. 

 I will continue to be here as long as this pool is open,  my time here is so i can help people, so we all can Benefit from being here

I will write more on the pool later but right now it’s almost 8 o’clock and I’m hoping people are about to join me…

 I am here Monday through Saturday 7 AM till 10 AM… 

While I am here, I do my own thing….

However, if I see somebody in need or if I feel inspired to talk to them, I’m gonna go over and talk to you and I want to help you. I want to lift you up. I am willing to teach The things I have learned to improve my life for free just to help people improve, and if you come to me with an open heart and open mind, I am willing to help you. I want your life to improve…

I know what it’s like to suffer, 

Nobody needs to go through that

I invite anybody come to the pool, lets talk, if you need help just ask.




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