5-24-24 today I started fresh….My New Life as a Disciple of God

 Last night at my baptism, I told several people I was not going to the pool. 

I was just going to contemplate and be by myself today.

Well, that’s not the way this morning went at all….

 I am in such a habit…. which is wonderful. 

I said  I’m going to the pool.

I probably sat, trying to ponder everything for five minutes….

and I thought what am I doing…..

I didn’t get baptized to sit around. …..

It was absolutely boring…..

I couldn’t do it…..

It was wonderful that I had such motivation this morning after a amazing day yesterday…

To go to the pool and help out.

While I was driving to the pool I was thinking what if I have an amazing calling from the church….

I don’t know what it is or what it can be….

but what if I get an amazing calling that I am not able to take care of the pool anymore

And I was thinking, who would I be able to trust?

I pulled up to the pool.

Went in and did my daily checks to make sure the pool is running correctly before I just sit back and let those that I’ve taught, do it and do it, right

And one person came into the pool, and they are a very hard worker, and I asked them to do something for me. In the maintenance room..

As the worker was going into the room, somebody else knocked on the window, and told me to open the door, they wanted me to let them in to the pool, I kept saying go around, they were another worker, that works in  the building….

I then went and changed, so I can enjoy the pool. 

And when I came back the person that I sent into the room,  did everything I asked… but they couldn’t find what I was telling them about. 

So I decided the other person that knocked on the window and wanted me to open the door for them

I asked them the exact same question..

That I asked the other person….

The same question 

the only difference was…

This person asked me follow-up questions…..

This person got way more detail, and they were way more interested in what I was saying….

And I knew right then that I had found or God has directed this worker to me…

They went into the room, just like the other person did.

But they kept asking questions..

Getting more and more information about what they were looking for…

They found exactly what I was saying, and looking for…

And then we threw ideas back-and-forth,,,

This person is very diligent….

Very stubborn…

But willing to learn…

This person knows when to turn off the stubbornness,  be humble, and then learn…

And then turn right back on the stubbornness !!!

I am so grateful that this person is in my life….

They are my hero..

They are true to their character,…

This person is not ashamed of who they are…

I admire that…..

Next at the pool… 

I was able to talk to somebody else.

Somebody that I’ve been wanting to talk to for a while about some things I’ve been pondering about

 how we can improve the situation of the pool.  How we can improve it. How we can work together.  And change it for the better.

After I got done talking to this person… they had to leave….

Then, not to my amazement, somebody else came into the pool and I had about a hour one on one time with another person 

We had some really deep discussion going on. 

I am so grateful for their brutal honesty.

For knowing when to stand up for themselves

But also knowing when to look back

And see if they can understand in a deeper way..

Our conversation…

This person.

Recognized what I was trying to tell them

And then they pondered on it,

 and began to talk to me about their thinking  

about what was happening to them, why they might be thinking this way…

I have talked to this person many,,, many times

But today we really talked and we connected

Then I decided I needed to leave, and the first place that entered my mind. Was the temple

So I drove to it and I usually park up top in the sun

But I parked down in the lower basement today 

Right before I parked, I looked over to my right, and I saw a woman sitting on a bench..

She was very peaceful.

Before I even parked I knew that I had to go talk to her

So I was thinking of all the things that I could say,

This is what came out of my mouth..

Is it beautiful in there? In the temple

And she told me it was perfect the most peaceful, loving, amazing feeling ever…

And then I said, I just got baptized yesterday last night at 7 PM.

And she asked me a question…

She said, when are you gonna make the next step to come here?

Before I could give her an answer, I looked down

And I had my poetry book with me, because this is where write….

 here at the temple among other places..

And I felt inspired to show her one of my writings..

I just sat in silence as she read

When she was done, reading, tears were coming down…

I then answered her question…..

And then I introduced myself to her, 

And then said my favorite scripture…..

The conversation that we had afterwards was truly inspired….

I am so grateful that God directed me to my sister…. 

The conversation I had with her was about 20 minutes….

I am so grateful for my sister opening up to me,

So that I could hear about her life and the amazing experiences she has been through.

As I was talking to her

 her ride showed up

We said our goodbyes.

And I turned around

And went upstairs to go enjoy the outdoors..

And I sat on the bench for 20 minutes just watching everyone have a great time. 

 All the smiles…..

all the laughter…….

all the joy…….

A couple people got married and  they were celebrating it with all their family

A few people were taking pictures of all the amazing flowers around the temple

I talked to them for a little bit and I asked..

why are you getting photos and what are you doing?

She told me that her family member got married last night and she came back to take photos

 so they can remember this amazing day that they had yesterday…

I then said that is so cool…. 

That they got married on the 23rd what a special day…

I then said I got baptized on the 23rd…..

I know it was a special day……

She had a big smile, and then walked away…

While I was walking away, I was praying in my mind…

Thanking God for the day that I’ve had so far….

When I got to the bottom of the steps, 

I looked over to my left, and I saw a young man reading the scriptures, 

he was not dressed like everybody else…

This young man took the time out of his day,

To come and read the Scriptures,

In a place away from the distraction of the world

And I walked over to him,

He gave me weird look,

Like, who are you?

 Why are you coming over here?…..

I said, what are you reading?

He then told me the scriptures,

And I sat down next to him,

And the spirit was so strong, while I talked to my dear brother,

He told me all about himself 

He trusted me,

A stranger who just sat next to him

He told me everything


This dear brother, has so much love for our Savior Jesus Christ,

 I asked, this dear brother a question…

To tell me…….

who Jesus Christ is…

I said, please describe Him to me…….

And he had one of the most honest, loving answers.

About who Christ was to him.

He did not give the typical answer that I hear.

What he said, was truly inspired..

I am so grateful that I got to talk to my dear brother today,

He has so much desire in his eyes…

I know he is ready to change….!

Oh I know…..

He is ready to change…..!

I offered him my business card,,, 

And I told him if he ever needs help no matter what’s going on he can call me…

And I will help him out, no matter what..

This dear brother, and I….

as we were talking about our Savior Jesus Christ,

We were crying the whole time…….

it was awesome…..

I know that I felt the spirit the whole time….

I know that my brother felt the spirit the whole time…

What an amazing experience so far….

On my first day…

Walking with  God.




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