May 23rd


This is really a special day for me, I am so looking forward to today.

Seems like all my life I’ve just been wandering in darkness.

 Always wanting to be happier, but always choosing the wrong path

I’m having a very odd sensation, And I say this because I’ve had a ton of surgeries and problems and all kinds of things that just caused my anxiety to go through the roof

But today

 I know my Baptism is coming

 I don’t know how special it’s gonna be, 

but I have no anxiety whatsoever. 

None !

my mind is clear….. my mind is peaceful…..

And I know that no matter what happens today…

 God is with me.

 I know it.

I feel it

I have been sitting outside the pool for an hour before it opens,

 Just sitting out in my car, praying on this special day for me, 

But I wanted it to be not just for me…..but for everybody, 

What I have prayed for is that everybody that attends this baptism may be cleansed in someway from the world,

That it’s not just me being renewed today, 

That all those that are participating, all those that have this glorious day in their hearts and in their minds, 

That we all will be cleansed in someway from the world…

That we all will be able to fulfill what God sent us here to do.

That we all may have our eyes opened…..

as my eyes have been opened….

For a while now 

when I meet somebody that truly touches my heart

I have been doing this inspiration that came into my mind.

I went and bought a giant whiteboard, 

that was bigger than my TV, 

And I put it over my TV.

 I write down only their first name where I met them and something I can pray for them to improve their lives

And every time I go in my room, I look at this whiteboard

Of all my brothers and sisters that I have met and that I pray for,

 and I think about daily, 

It’s funny, but this is my new TV screen.

I don’t need to be distracted by the world, To enjoy life,

 I don’t need to see what the world portrays as happiness…

Because I know it’s not

I lived it. I lived all of it..

I hate to say this, but almost any drug that you can name I’ve done it, 

If it was in my past during those years, when i grew up, I’ve done it..

I’ve done a ton of horrible, horrible things..

But why?


Why,     Did God say?

David, It is time to wake up


Stop being who you are not

Love yourself

Forget about yourself

Forget about all the hate and negativity and anger and everything…..

that the world is putting out….

It’s not you


For some unknown reason,

 God woke me up

And I am praying with all my heart

That tonight,

At 7 PM when my baptism begins.

I am praying that all those that are involved, whether they either show up or are watching or are…. in mind wanting to be here… part of this miraculous Event,

 that everyone can have some kind of amazing event happen tonight

 to change their life towards God…

I believe that God took one of the worst sinners,

 Of our time,,,,  me !

I let myself get so low and dark and disgusting


But I know that God has always known my heart

And He has known 

that I have never liked doing any of this

And I have always tried to stop and change and be better,

But the world had me so tight that I was so addicted to so many things. 

It was as if I was not in control of me anymore

 I couldn’t believe some of the things I was doing,

I knew they were wrong,

 but I was so addicted to whatever was going on,

That I was no longer in control of what I was doing.

I let satan have so much control over me 

that I was just sitting in the background mindless..

 almost as if i was a zombie…….

Just sitting there doing nothing,…..

Letting him control

 what I thought about…….

Letting him control

 how many cigarettes I smoke…..

how much TV I watch……

How long I am on the Internet……

What music to listen to………

 how many video games I play….

giving him full control….

Giving satan all the time of my life…..

Of me…..

Why is God Allowing me ……..

One of the Disgusting sinners that are mentioned in the scriptures

To be baptized.

I have always wondered this…..

Why did God let me experience 

the world in its darkest form?




I believe God allowed this to happen

So that I can help everyone experiencing it….

come out of it

Me, One of the sinners,,,,

 One of the worst people in the world 

has been given a second chance……

And I don’t want to

 blow This opportunity,

So I’m giving up the world,

I’m giving up everything

Because God has changed me !!!

Not the world ! 

When I reached out to the world for help in my darkest times,

 I was abandoned…

I followed the world 

and everything it teaches 

and its practices  

for almost 50 years… 

all that came out of the world……

was me falling, 

the world was 


 is misery,



 and it always 

leads to prison 

and all its darkness 

was in me…


I was ending up like my worst enemy.

I was allowing satan….

I gave this Dark being who went against Jesus Christ ! ! !

 So Much power over the things I did 

In my daily life.

 I was becoming the villain that I never wanted to be.  

All because I followed the world.

But when I pleaded to God……..

saying you know what……

 I’m sick of the world,……..

I’m sick of all this darkness,……..

I’m sick of everyone breaking the laws,……….

I’m sick of all the hatred in the world,…….

When you talk to anybody,

 it’s always complaining

 it’s always angry. 

It’s always hatred. 

It’s always something negative.

Sure, there’s a few things that are good ! 

 but it seems like everyone ALWAYS talks about Negative things.

I’m sick of it.

I am sick of it !!!

However, when I turned myself over to God, pleading for help

(A scripture comes to mind…” Choose ye this day whom you will serve”………)

He stepped in….

and in one year and one month from the day…….

that I prayed to God…

I am being baptized. 

God accepted me.


The worst of the worst……..


 God changed me……



that I am meant to be His Disciple….

I am not waiting for anybody to call me, 

to ask me….

To serve God….

I ::David:: make the decision to serve God, 

NOW before my baptism 

On this very day, I pledge myself to my Savior Jesus Christ 

I want to give my life to God !

 because He loves me !

and He GOD changed me !

and HE God got me 

out of the world !

And I hope tonight I hope with all my heart,

That more eyes can be opened

As God has opened mine……

 I am being baptized at 7 PM tonight

I know that GOD is accepting me on this day, 

May 23 at 7 PM…

I don’t know what this day entitles or includes or what it’s gonna be like…

But if I have an experience, I will write it down…

The time is 7 AM

I’m gonna go swim…….




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