HOPE……I met an amazing man in Provo

I pulled into a parking lot with my vehicle a couple days ago

and I looked over and I saw this black car 

that had writing all over it 

and I read it, 

then I thought about it 

what it was saying, 

and I felt inspired to go out and talk to him 

and tell him 

Thank You !

for what he was doing.

 I then told him about my life and that I had gotten off drugs 

and that it was because of people like him, that gives people HOPE.

I thanked him and I walked away and got back in my vehicle 

We were waiting for the building that we were both parked at, 

waiting for it to open

 because it was running a little late

 and then I started to think about what I am now able to do 

because of people like him. 

 I’m able to run my own business because of people like Brandon 

who give HOPE to those 

that don’t have HOPE, 

They can’t see it in themselves 

and I thought 

I wonder if he would let me honor him for what he is Doing

 and so I pulled out my iPad and I went back over to his car 

and  I said excuse me I was wondering if you would look at some of the things I make 

and I was inspired to show them some of my mushrooms that I make 

and they said “these are really cool…..”

and I said for what you guys are doing 

Which Is giving HOPE to everyone,

I want to thank you…

by making you a mushroom, 

I told him all my mushrooms glow in the dark 

and I asked Brandon 

I said what color do you want and he looked me right in the eye, and said “you are the artist you decide “

 and then I immediately turned the other person in the car and I said what color do you want ? 

 and they said “pink” immediately. 

As if they were HOPING for me to ask them.

I said OK,

I will make you a pink mushroom.

 I don’t get very many pink request’s 

so that’s gonna be a fun one 

and then I went back to my vehicle and sat back down 

and I was thinking about everything that just went on and how cool it was…

 and then the store opened and I sat back in my vehicle because 

I didn’t want a line to form, with all the people going in

 and when I thought enough time had gone by 

that’s when I went in the building and I noticed that around the room it was kind of full of people 

but there was a little space on the couch 

so I asked if I could sit next to a gentleman and he said of course, 

so I sat down and when I looked across the room 

 Brandon was directly across from me 

and this time

 I noticed he had a cane

 that touched my heart,

 because not only does he have a good heart, 

but he has problems of his own…..

that he has struggled with…

that touched my heart…

He is still willing to help others…….

 despite his own struggles…


reaches out and gives HOPE.

To those struggling in their own addictions

Brandon is my HERO !!!

I look up to Brandon

and I HOPE

 more people can see the good that he does

 not just from his appearance. 

Not just the way he looks 

but people NEED to see his heart. 

That’s who he is……stop judging by looks alone

and look at Brandon for who he is……..

He is a messenger from God……

 He will listen to you……

He will help you…

in anyway he can…….

I am so grateful that I got to meet my Brother Brandon.

                                       Brandon runs  

                              ADDICTED WE STAND 

                                This is Brandon’s Quote           

                     “Addiction is the opposite of connection”

He was so passionate…….about what he was doing !!!





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