
 Good morning, Every time I try to write down my baptism experience…

My mind goes blank….

I want to write everything….

I want to share my experiences…

But I don’t think I should.

There is a reason my mind keeps going blank

When I try to write, about it ………

I am sorry, But…

I’m going to keep my baptism to myself…

To all those that were there and witnessed it..

I am so grateful that you were there

Your Savior Jesus Christ Is aware of you

And I KNOW YOU felt Gods Love last night !!!

And I hope you never deny it..

All those that were there last night.

What you felt,……..

 I urge you…….

I plead with you…….

Share with the world your experiences

 On how your life is changing..

Because like me….

I know some of your eyes have been opened

I talked to several of you…

I truly love you all

We must seek out Jesus Christ

Please get down on your knees

Praise your Heavenly Father 

For everything 

He God

has given you

And then stand up and go to work

Forget about yourself….

Forget about your problems….

Forget about all the stress….

Those three things, 

That is the world pounding down on you

If Jesus Christ was by your side right now, comforting you……

And you see Him get up and begin walking away from you, towards somebody else, other then you…

that needed help. 

Would you follow him? 

Will you be Reaching out to those in need as He is doing…

Or would you be thinking about yourself…

 all your problems……..

and all your stress……

Only thinking about you….

Stuck to one spot.  Stuck to the world

Please choose ye this day whom you will serve……..

I choose Jesus Christ.




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