
Showing posts from April, 2024

Experience this morning

 Today I woke up early, and turned on my “New Start of the day” playlist of music, I decided to add all the music that was uplifting and of a clean nature, and I listen to this everyday, and just starting the day on a positive note is amazing. I went to water aerobics at 7 am, I talked to a few people I left at 10 am, and noticed I needed gas , so on the way to my next appointment, I stopped at the 7-11 gas pump and I had a thought     …go inside……. so  I acted on this immediately, I didn’t even start my gas yet. I decided I wanted a drink so I went back and carried 4 drinks  and went up to the cashier and said “ I’m going back for 2 more, I then grabbed those two and went to the counter, as I was walking up I asked how she was doing, she said “ I’m ok…..”  I then asked her what would make your day or your life better so you’re not just OK… She then proceeded to tell me that her back was in a lot of pain, and she was struggling to be at work..   I asked her if she had ever thought of d

Poetry- Eternal love

 Each and everyone of us is a disciple of Jesus Christ.  He is giving us the opportunity to come upon this wonderful earth,  which He has created, so that we may learn about His beautiful Plan of Salvation ! that we may take part in. We must take part in scripture study, faith, pray and learn of the wonderful blessings which He will, and is giving us, we must put our trust in Him and keep His commandments. we must believe in the teachings, which He gives us through the scriptures,  through the history of His children, our family, to guide us in the present day and to see the dangers, we might have if we even stray a little bit from the Lord, we must always be thankful to the Lord for giving us so much love and care,  We must look to Him.   He (God) is showing us what - we must do in order to return it to Him and live in Eternal Love with Him once again. Before you enter a building or get ready to talk to somebody. Have you ever prayed that you will be a Disciple of God, that you will b

Poetry - winner

 You are a winner! You are and we’re a winner from the moment you were born……. Several million sperm were out to reach one single egg they were all in a race  to get there to the egg  to reach it first before anyone else could get there  There were millions of them!  And you won,  you took first place,  you won the first race you were ever in.  ………anonymous…….. .

Misery loves company

Misery loves company…….  This quote or saying has always driven me crazy, so I would like to explain it in my own terms. From my past I know that when I am around other miserable people I am more miserable I never liked being around them I never wanted to be around people who were miserable. So to me, I had to think up another way of looking at this,  and hopefully these thoughts on this subject  will make more sense to you, as it does to me. Before we all came to earth, there was a war in heaven, in Revelations 12:7-17. Sadly One Third of those spirits followed satan, in Revelations 12:4, then in Revelations 12:8-9 it says, “satan prevailed not, neither was there a place found any more in heaven”,(which means he was cast out of heaven for his act, and all those that followed him were cast out also!) These spirits, who all their life had been around God, and had that wonderful joy, and that Bright Light around them, while dwelling with God. These spirits, when they decided satans idea,

Painful Experience this morning

 How often do we go through life? Just wanting, just searching for something to make us feel better? I know in my life I have tried many, many worldly things, always searching for something to make me feel complete, to make me feel like I belong, all those days that I was down in my room, just pleading for help, I have always wondered why, it took this long for me to wake up? The other day I had an experience that I want to share,  I love to go around and help people, if I see somebody doing a good deed, I want to go tell them,” thank you for being a wonderful example.” I saw this man picking up trash and to me, it looked like he was homeless. I reached down in my consul and pulled out some granola bars, that I keep for homeless people when I see them, and as I was driving over to talk to my dear brother, who is and was being a great example. I had a feeling to just observe, so I did for about 5-10 minutes, and then I wanted to go over and congratulate him and thank him for what I was


 I love the lord, with all my heart I wish He would stay and never part I always want to be As righteous as He Jesus is the one for me I know I will be free If I only stay And remember to pray. ::David:: 3-11-96 .


 I hear a young little child It’s cry is sweet and mild It makes me form a tear Wish I could recall that year Seeing that child brings a tear to my eye Weeping and wailing, now I start to cry. ::David:: 3-9-96 .


I have to let go of all my fears, my doubts, my sorrows, and all that I worry about. I have to give up my mouth, my feet, my hands, and especially my heart. I have to stop thinking of what I would love to do or how I would love to help. I’ve got to give all these things to the Lord.  In order to be an instrument in Gods Hands, you must have faith in God, that He will take care of you, that He will mold you,  that He will guide you to where you need to go,  that He will give you the words to speak, that He will give you the strength walk,  that He will give you the eyes to see and to find,  that He will strengthen your heart to love, like He loves. ::David:: 4-26-24 .


 A long time ago there was a young lady that never fit in with anyone.  She always wanted to know if she was the only lonely person out there or maybe, just maybe, there was someone else out there that she could relate to, unfortunately all the people she knew, were strong and full of confidence, they all knew how to talk and associate with others.  She could never understand why she was the only person, That felt like she was no one.  Then one night she was taking a stroll down emerald creek park, just thinking to herself, when all of a sudden, she heard some familiar sounds, but she couldn’t figure out where they where coming from. Her curiosity had gotten a hold of her and she had to find out where the sounds were coming from.  As she was walking and thinking about the sound she realized, it was crying, she thought that maybe she could help or possibly comfort the person crying. So she went off the main trail about fifteen feet, but the crying was becoming softer, so she knew she wa

Deep thoughts -Weakness vs Strength

Think of the very 1st weakness you experienced in your life, For example mine I think was:::: This weird body that I am in, soon as I accepted this Amazing body I was in. I noticed I couldn’t express my feelings,I couldn’t move around, I was totally reliant on my earthly parents to show me the way. I observed the way they talked and the funny ways they moved around and all the other strange things they were doing. I studied my Family every day, I tried with all my power that I possessed within this tiny frame, to move and talk and to be just like my perfect examples, who I saw every minute of my New life. Soon these strange noises were coming from my mouth and I could control the different tones, and when they would make noise or when they would stop. It was so Amazing, I was learning how to control my own voice, just like my parents, Woo hoo…. I then noticed how they would latch on to things, by moving those funny looking things at the end of their bodies,(fingers) so I tried to make

Poetry-Each Prophet of old, as I see them

1. Adam.   Father figure-everything the Lord taught him, Adam re-taught faithfully to his family, the gospel, nature, animals, and his early trials of the things he struggled with in his days of learning how to live without God’s presence, Adam was so excited and so sad at the same time. Adam has been given an opportunity to apply all that his Father in Heaven, taught him, to use and apply the wisdom, God blessed him with, he was able to apply everything he diligently learned directly from God.  But at the same time, he no longer had his Father in Heaven there to teach him directly and that’s where the sadness came in, but Adam had such trust in God! That God taught him everything he needed to know, so he would be able to succeed. He was able to have the first children brought into the world, Adam was taught directly from God, he knew that he was going to die someday, and he didn’t want his New children to have struggles, to have the trials., he struggled with.   So Adam began to teach

Deep thoughts- taking a look back

 This is gonna sound kind of odd, I want you to look at yesterday, from a different perspective. I want you to imagine your house, so that you can see it Crystal clear in front of you, As if you were across the street, looking at it. Now I would like you to sit down in a chair or whatever, but across the street from your house, And I want you to get really comfy,  what I want you to see or understand, Is how others see you.  If they were to sit in that chair as you are, All day long just observing, what would they see?. Let me tell you where I used to be. My hours were everywhere, Some days i would be up all night, Some days I would be up all day, My hours were all over the place, And it was really frustrating and hard to sleep, I stayed inside most of the day, Because I told myself I was in too much pain,! If I would have gone out, it would’ve been for food or gas, But then I would just come back home and stay to myself. If I were across the street and watching this, I would’ve though


 Progress starts slowly but in time  as you stay positive  and motivated,  you Will notice  Amazing changes  in your life. ::David:: 4-19-23 .


A Leader, can’t lead, unless they know where they are going. A servant, can’t serve, unless they know who they are serving. A follower, can’t follow, unless they know who they are following. ::David:: 4-21-24 .

Poetry- My business quote

 Life is not about the work you do. It is all about the people you serve. ::David:: 3-14-23 .

My thoughts on - rules

 So I was thinking about opposites this morning, The thought that came to me is rules, what is it about rules that we hate? why is it that we just don’t want to conform? if we didn’t have rules, the world would be in chaos, if we didn’t have stop signs, everybody would think they had the right to go. They would not need to stop, they wouldn’t have to look for others,  There would be a lot more pain in the world and suffering.  If we decide not to follow the rules and be free, we will hurt a lot more people, we will hurt ourselves., and we will find ourselves in dark places, feeling alone, and wondering why everybody hates us.  Why is everybody against me?  However.    If we follow the rules, it is amazing how simple and easy life is, I’m not saying life in general, because we all have problems and issues, but as an example of the stop sign. I know that if I stop, I don’t have to worry about getting pulled over or getting in an accident or any other problems that might happen. My mind i

Deep Thought -Rock Bottom

 I need to look back through My past, Figure out the things that you allowed into your life instead of Christ, And remove all that you can, And plead for Christ to do the rest. To be able to analyze and understand my mistakes, And also help those in my past, present and future that, I’ve seen struggle, That I’ve hurt, To be able to internalize it spiritually, And then be able to share with  the pure love of Christ towards others that they may come back.  That They may understand in a simple, childlike understanding, that when I teach or talk to others, that I may be inspired, Not knowing beforehand what to say, but I can listen with all the intent of my heart to the things they talk about, And not let side thoughts or interruptions come into my mind.  I need Help to develop my spiritual gifts, And to be the example, Christ sent me to be!  I need, I would like more fire burning within me, That I can accomplish these things.  That I can put off the world.  Oh God, My Eternal Father………..


 Satan tricks might be More powerful Than any one of us can bear. But if we Become one together, And lift each other up and bear one another’s burdens, We will conquer him and his tricks together. Always remember, he is not more powerful…. than all of us together with Christ. ::David:: 3-9-24 .

Poetry- Thy….. possible song, but not sure yet?

 As I come to thee dear Lord Except my hand In Thine That I may walk Thy ways And teach Thy love divine Free my voice that I may speak With Thy pure love That I might bring my family back To dwell with Thee above ::David:: 3-3-24 .


 I have heard many times there are opposites in all things, I have experience both deepest misery, and overwhelming joy, What I need to decide for my life. For myself is what opposite I want, And what actions I have to take to claim that opposite. ::David:: 3-3-24 .


 If you died and were able to look back to this very moment, What would you do differently?   Would you be comfortable looking at what you’re doing now?    Would you make your life better?  Would you give it your all?  Or would you just let your life slip on by? Again……. ::David:: 3-3-24 .

Poetry- willing

 What are you willing to strengthen today? To improve your today, And your tomorrow. Or Why are you willing to stay the same as you were yesterday? To be the same tomorrow? ::David:: 3-3-24 .

Quote - the difference

 God = line upon line, Precept upon precept Devil = lie upon lie, Deceit upon deceit. :::::: I have no idea idea who wrote this. .

Poetry- that man

 Once upon a time, there was a man in my life that I knew so very well. He was always in my life, He was there when I needed him, He was there when I asked for help, He was always there whenever I asked him to be.   Then one day I had some friends come over and I played with them and they told me if I needed anything just call them and they would be there for me, I looked to my friends for everything and it is sad to say that I forgot about that man in my life.  Well, in my real time, none of my friends were there for me and I was all By myself, My so-called friends had ditched me.   I thought long and hard to whom I could turn to, and I started to remember that man who was once in my life, I thought about how miserable I am because I’ve strayed so far from him.  Then I realized what I must do, I must find that wonderful man in my life once again,  And stay devoted unto him forever.  But how am I going to do this now that I have strayed so far from him?    First, I can try to remember

Deep thoughts —the sword

 As you are going through life, you’ll see many things that would be fun to have.   You see a person giving swords away and (you think); That is a nice looking sword on the table, You ask if you can try it. So you pick it up and test its weight, You look at it and admire what you see, How sharp it looks, How beautiful it is, Then you start to swing it around, And you become more comfortable with the Sword in your hands, Then you test how strong (you think) The sword can become if you equip it, What you can do with it. You start off small by cutting off a (blade of grass) You are amazed at how sharp the sword is, How easily it went through the (grass) As you continue to test what the sword can really do, You begin to carry the sword around with you, And begin to have more trust in the sword, You believe the sword will help you in any situation you come upon, Each day you carry the sword, you get more confident in its strength.   As you look back at that small (blade of grass), You begin

Poetry- the way

 This new rock, I want to throw in. Where do I start? Where do I begin? This life I need to rearrange, I have to believe that I can change. I want to become a better man, I need to come up with a new plan. First: I need to remove all the bad, Learn from my past and all I had. Second:Make those changes to bring out my best, Make it fun,Just like a new quest. Third:Accomplish my goals along the way, Proving I can do this day by day. Fourth:Now I know who and what I want to be, I will stay true to my word and I will remain free. ::David:: 8-8-2018 . .

Poetry -without

 Without faith,  Desire won’t accomplish anything. ::David:: 6-22-97 . .

Quote - living what we pray for

 I knelt to pray when day was done,  And prayed ,Oh Lord, bless everyone. Lift from each saddened heart the pain and let the sick be well again And then I woke another day And carelessly when on my way The whole day long I did not try To wipe a tear from any eye I did not try to share the load Of any brother on the road I did not even go to see The sick man just next-door to me Yet once again when the day was done I prayed oh Lord bless everyone But as I prayed into my ear There came a voice that whispered clear Pause Now, my son, before you pray Whom have you tried to bless today? God’s sweetest blessings always go By hands that serve him here below  And then I hid my face and cried Forgive me, God, I have not tried Let me live another day I will live the way i pray. Written by Anonymous  .

Poetry- happiness

 We all need the Lord in our life, To guide us through our struggles,  Our pains and our strife. Without the Lord, we go astray, We ruin our life We go the opposite way. We need the Lord to guide us there, We Must come unto him, Through prayer. All we need is his love and care, To gently guide us to happiness, By following his caring words, We will reach his love, And enjoy the bliss. ::David:: 8-12-96 .

Poetry- missionaries are like magnets

 Every missionary has a positive side and a negative side and sometimes they are both positive and they stick together and they are like one working together picking up where the other cannot. But other times one is positive and one is negative and like magnets they just won’t come together and work. But, When we can learn to be positive and work together that is when we will accomplish the most work together. ::David:: 3-19-98

Quote- Don Baker

 It constantly amazes me that our Lord can head a band of sheep that’s beyond number-That stretches across nations and encompasses Earth, And yet never once loses sight of me. My Shepherd knows me in every phase of my life, He knows my needs, He knows my wants, He knew me before I was born. The Lord is my Shepherd. That one little word ‘my’ Moves the shepherd-Sheep relationship in something deeply personal. To claim Christ as my personal Shepherd, Is the supreme act of faith! To be claimed by the Lord, as his sheep is the ultimate act of grace By Don Baker .

Quote- anonymous

 I know not by what Method rare, But I know God answers prayer, I know that he has given his word, That tells me prayer is always heard, And will be answered, Soon or late, And so I pray and calmly wait. I know not if the blessing sought, Well, just the way I thought, But leave my prayers with him alone Whose Ways are wiser than my own Assured that he will grant my quest, Or send some answer Farmer blessed. : I don’t know who wrote this one .

Quote : elder Richard L Evans

 …. Each one of us will realize the results of what he does and thinks—— The results of how he lives his life.. Conference report  October 1970 .

Poetry:: Our prophets

 Let our journey begin,  As we start to follow him, We listen, when he speaks, As we climb the many peaks. Given the words, Directly from God, He Will help us hold,  to the iron rod. ::David:: 4-18-24 .

Deep thoughts—praying

 When we pray, are we thinking of Who we are praying to or do we just pray because our parents said we ought to? The main reason Heavenly Father has asked us to pray unto Him, Is so we can get a better understanding of His presence and the happiness we can gain by learning of Him. By asking in faith, that we may have a perfect feeling and understanding for the love He has for Us, Whether we have strayed a far distance,  Or we have just let go for a short time. By praying unto God , He has promised that if we pray Continually, He will help us in any circumstance that we might be going through at any point, at any time. He will take our hand and safely guide us back to Him, through His Son Jesus Christ.  ::David:: 10-13-96 .

Poetry : what I picture Christ saying

I did Not sin But I’ll take the blame And pay the price!  If only you repent,  And do it no more?” ::David:: . .

Poetry : joyful creation

 mountains, Water and flatland, Are created by his hand, Life is meant to have joy, As on earth, we do employee, This is part of his plan, Which he did prepare for all man. ::David:: 9-11-02 . .

My favorite quote

 Wisdom is knowledge - rightly applied : I don’t know where it came from, but it is 100% accurate- We can have all the knowledge- about all the things worldly and Spirituality, But until we’ve applied this knowledge, Use this knowledge to help others, use it for ourselves, We will only have knowledge we will never be wise…….. I urge everybody think about the things you know…. And apply what you know. ::David:: 4-18-24 .

Poetry - sunset

 The sunset:: As I look up in the sky, There is a jet flying by, I see the colors, red, orange, and blue, It’s leaving a white stream just for you, As I watch the sun set, My eyes begin to get wet, I think of our Father who is above, Who gave us all this!  Oh what love? ::David:: 12-19-97 .

Poetry - candle

 I believe the heart of a man is just like a candle, For example, when you light a candle, The wax will soften, Just like when you let the spirit in your heart, Your heart will soften, But once you take the flame away, The wax will once again and harden… ::David:: 8-10-96 .

Poetry - faith

 Faith::  The Lord loves you and he’ll show you the way If you follow His word and do His will each day He’ll show you what’s wrong, He’ll show you what’s right He wants you to pray with all your love and your  might If you put your trust in Him day by day He will be with you to show you the way ::David::  8-10-96 .

Poetry - the rope

 The Rope;; Our testimony is like a rope, For example,  each time we gain a new testimony  about some thing, It becomes a little string. As we begin to weave Our many strings together, They begin to form a strong rope. That will be able to pull us Out of any circumstance That we might Get in. We must always try To strengthen Our rope. By adding more and more string to it Otherwise, it will begin to fray! So when the time comes Would you rather have a weak rope? Or a strong rope? To help in your time of need? ::David:: 8-23-02 .

Poetry - scriptures

Scriptures;; as I ponder the words unknown, I begin to reap what was sown, Those of old who wrote their life, I learn of happiness and of strife, The words like a burning fire, My heart swells and I have desire, As I look back at what I have read, I know it was written From the Godhead. ::David:: 8-23-02 .

Poetry- Pioneer trek

 Before I tell you this one, ..I never got to go myself,…. I just heard stories from other people, This is what I came up with…… Pioneer trek;; As I begin to walk the trail My legs felt like they would fail We pushed and pulled the hand carts  The spirit deeply filled our hearts As we pulled into Martin’s Cove I felt as Joseph, In the sacred grove The spirit was so strong It stayed with me all week long ::David:: 6-24-02 .

Poetry - quick sand

 Sin is like quicksand:: At first when you step into the sand, You feel fine and you don’t realize that anything is wrong. As you decide to stand upon the sand longer, again it seems as if nothing is happening, but after a while you are stuck in the sand. The longer you stand there, The deeper you go. By the time you realize that you’re totally stuck, You wish you could call someone to help you, There is a special man in all of our lives, Who is just waiting to hear our plea to him, He will help us out, as long as we promise, Not to go near the quicksand again ::David:: 1-16-99 .

Poetry - The masters plan

 The masters plan:: The mountains are a glow, As the water begins to flow, Down the hill, it starts to run, The water shines from the sun, As it seeps into the ground, Plants begin to be found, Life begins for us all, While the plants grow very tall, As we breathe in the air, This is The plan, He did prepare! ::David:: 9-11-02 .

Poetry -teddy bear

Teddy bear:: The greatest feelings will endure, If you keep your thoughts pure, It will ease your heart and your mind, And hidden treasures you will find, With one touch, you will know, Your Father above will help you grow, His helping hand is always there, He is your big teddy bear. All your problems He will mend, For He is your closest Friend, He watches you in your sleep, Full of love, He begins to weep… ::David::  9-5-02 .

Poetry- people are like fish

 People are like fish:: Let’s say you’re a fish,  You’re in a school of fish,  You’re swimming along safe from anything,  Then all of a sudden you see a sparkling……. Shiny…..Metal spinner  dancing this way and that.  Your parents tell you not to go after it,  But it’s so pleasing to the eye,  You just can’t help it.    So You start chasing the LURE.  It leads you farther and farther away from your family,  And you keep saying  I’ve almost got it. I’ve almost got it……  Then all of a sudden you reach out and get it,  And you find out it’s not that beautiful at all.  It’s got hooks And snares,  Then you realize that it was …. one big trap !!! But you’ve already caught it,  And you’re so far away from your family.  Now you’ve got to give up….. and let it have you…..  and drag you down….  till you don’t know where.. Or  You have to think of a plan,  How am I going to get rid of this?  How am I going to stop?  The first thing you have to do……is Love yourself.  Now, if you find a plan  and ri

Hello-welcome to my blog

I felt inspired to write down my poetry and things that come to my mind ever since I decided to change towards God. I feel inspired almost daily on things that I need to write down  and share with the world about my life  so others can know,     that they are not the only people  going through these problems I was inspired to make this website to share my life  so others don’t have to struggle…. So lonely people out there  can know there is hope. Those that feel empty and abandoned… I was there  I experienced all of it…. And I want to share my experience… On how I got out of it… I am no longer  in the world……. I have given  my life  over to God. ………………… …………… ……. …. .. The first thing I do  when I meet people  is……..  I want to shake their hand And Quote. My favorite scripture to them. ……………………………………………………….. Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ I have been called of Him To declare His word Among His people That they might have everlasting life My name is David Roe. …………………………………………