Poetry-Each Prophet of old, as I see them

1. Adam.   Father figure-everything the Lord taught him, Adam re-taught faithfully to his family, the gospel, nature, animals, and his early trials of the things he struggled with in his days of learning how to live without God’s presence, Adam was so excited and so sad at the same time. Adam has been given an opportunity to apply all that his Father in Heaven, taught him, to use and apply the wisdom, God blessed him with, he was able to apply everything he diligently learned directly from God.  But at the same time, he no longer had his Father in Heaven there to teach him directly and that’s where the sadness came in, but Adam had such trust in God! That God taught him everything he needed to know, so he would be able to succeed.

He was able to have the first children brought into the world, Adam was taught directly from God, he knew that he was going to die someday, and he didn’t want his New children to have struggles, to have the trials., he struggled with.   So Adam began to teach with full passion and desire for his sons. To teach them to know where to go, how to work, and how to succeed in this new life, Adam’s children were coming into. Because Adam had this Perfect example of how to teach, Adam did the same to all of us, by sharing his knowledge of everything.

Am I teaching like Adam full of love and willing to share everything I know, so that others don’t struggle?

2. Noah. Love for all animals and a strong love to do all he was commanded to do. Noah forgot about everyone mocking him. He forgot about all the sadness, He felt when he knew, he was in the right, following God., he kept saying under his breath, and in his heart why can’t they see? Why are they so stuck in their self-destruction?  Noah must have been praying with all his heart for more people to listen to God, to help him prepare for the upcoming future. Noah trusted God it was going to rain. Can you imagine Noah’s anguish when he saw all those he knew, all those he grew up with, those Noah lived around, and see them suffering, drowning and pleading to save them,  I know Noah said within his heart” I will do all within my power that no one will ever get this bad ever again!!!”   Noah saw those faces every night in his sleep those drowning, crying out for help. He was pleading with God, That he could save more, and God commanded Noah to write down his experiences, so in the future (our present,) we would hopefully have that listening ear.   

Are we listening to Noah about what our future will hold if we don’t follow God?

3.Abraham -Obedience to God, and full of faith to do what it takes. God blessed Abraham with a son, then commanded Abraham to gather wood, which wasn’t an immediate thing. Abraham, left his home and went abroad gathering wood,He had to get a saw, an ax and rope and other provisions, food,  water, he had to prepare for the task at hand, then he went out, and he gathered that wood, then he brought it back to his home and prayed again to God now, what do you want me to do?  God then commanded him to go to the top of the mountain and carry all the wood he had previously gathered to the top of the mountain. Which must’ve been at least a couple days journey up the mountain with all that wood on his back. Then he was commanded to build an altar out of stone, which must of taken all day, moving Stone by stone, placing them in each place where he was inspired to place them. I can picture this altar about 3 ft high at least, and after climbing the mountain, with all the burdens, wood, water and food, God asked him to build an alter. Even though he was exhausted, God knew he could do it, and because he had perfect trust in God. He built his altar stone by stone placing each stone as instructed. Then after all work he did, he was instructed to get his only son that his wife and him were so thankful for,  that, they tried for so many years trying to have kids pleading with God that this can be, and finally we’re blessed to have the greatest desire of there married life, they have taught their son the ways of God, to always trust in God. Now is when Abraham‘s ultimate faith was tested, Abraham believed in the deepest parts of his soul that God knew what He was saying, but at the same time, he had so much remorse in his heart of what he was about to do, to his only begotten son, he must of struggled all day long, fighting within himself and praying to God to know, how to do put aside, his doubts, he prayed for ultimate trust, in His Heavenly Father, Abraham wrote down his actions of what he did, and how, even though he struggled with, and not knowing beforehand what was going to happen, Abraham trusted God and because of this powerful example, we have a better understanding of God’s love, and all the feelings of our Heavenly Father towards us, and that He God, was willing to send a perfect example of Himself, here on earth, so that we can learn of Jesus Christ, and His Perfect example that Christ gave us.  How to treat others, how to help, how to serve, how to bless, from this we can know, even though He Jesus Christ is not on earth right now, we can learn from Him , and then we can be the best example of Christ for others in their lives.

 Are we going about our Father’s business or we doing our own? 

I have more to write, this is just so far





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