Deep thoughts -Weakness vs Strength

Think of the very 1st weakness you experienced in your life,

For example mine I think was::::

This weird body that I am in, soon as I accepted this Amazing body I was in.

I noticed I couldn’t express my feelings,I couldn’t move around, I was totally reliant on my earthly parents to show me the way.

I observed the way they talked and the funny ways they moved around and all the other strange things they were doing.

I studied my Family every day, I tried with all my power that I possessed within this tiny frame, to move and talk and to be just like my perfect examples, who I saw every minute of my New life.

Soon these strange noises were coming from my mouth and I could control the different tones, and when they would make noise or when they would stop. It was so Amazing, I was learning how to control my own voice, just like my parents, Woo hoo….

I then noticed how they would latch on to things, by moving those funny looking things at the end of their bodies,(fingers) so I tried to make my funny short things move too.

It took a while but I latched on to my family’s body and I was so excited, I just didn’t want to let go and they started to wiggle their body parts and I took this as a challenge and held on as long as I could, I was having this overwhelming feeling of joy come into my mind, and my face took on my first Smile, oh how I Love remembering that joyful memory.

By watching and following my parents and their perfect examples, I learned how to experience and apply how to find happiness in the little things.

What kind of Example are you showing to your, our Family, to the rest of the world, on where to find Happiness? 

If you are unsure where to find it yourself.  

  Who are you following? 

 Who are you trying to be like?


Please read about your/our Savior’s journey, all the ways He served and blessed and comforted and the list goes on and on… He always was about blessing other people’s lives through His deeds.

I put my Faith in God each day, that I can and will learn from His perfect Example, and that I can bless others through, forgetting about what my life holds and going to work.

If we truly can open our eyes, and see what Christ did… 

He knew His Life, beginning and end. 

He knew He would learn, teach, Be an example,

 but He also knew, He was going to be ridiculed, mocked, and tortured for the work, He was doing for His Heavenly Father.   

Jesus Christ had so much love and trust in His Father, that Jesus was able to forget about what might or was going to happen to Him. 

  He Lead us by example, how to find true happiness.

To All who are reading this,,, 

Quit focusing on Christ only dying for your sins,

 YES, this is Glorious and truly Amazing,!!!   and we all are able to return to our Heavenly Father Because of Jesus Christ.  

I AM and will always be thankful for Christ allowing all of us, into His arms through His suffering…

 But I Want to show my Amazing Savior Jesus Christ,

 that I focus on everything He did,

 His whole life, 

His whole purpose, was to do His Father’s will and Go to work, 

by serving, 

blessing and giving everything He had to His Father. 





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