My thoughts on - rules

 So I was thinking about opposites this morning, The thought that came to me is rules, what is it about rules that we hate? why is it that we just don’t want to conform? if we didn’t have rules, the world would be in chaos, if we didn’t have stop signs, everybody would think they had the right to go. They would not need to stop, they wouldn’t have to look for others,  There would be a lot more pain in the world and suffering. 

If we decide not to follow the rules and be free, we will hurt a lot more people, we will hurt ourselves., and we will find ourselves in dark places, feeling alone, and wondering why everybody hates us.  Why is everybody against me? 


  If we follow the rules, it is amazing how simple and easy life is, I’m not saying life in general, because we all have problems and issues, but as an example of the stop sign. I know that if I stop, I don’t have to worry about getting pulled over or getting in an accident or any other problems that might happen. My mind is not bothered or stressed about worrying about these things.   Because I know I’m good, because I’m following the rules. I’m deciding to stop… 

So ultimately what I’ve gotten down to. If we don’t follow the rules here while we dwell on earth and be free.  Just the opposite will happen. After we pass on, the opposite will happen, we have to follow the rules. We have to do what we’re told because, we followed the wrong rules.  We followed the wrong examples.

But the exciting part is, if we follow the rules, as much, and as honestly as we can, we will not only prove to ourselves that we can do this, but we will show a better example to the world how to behave, how to act how to follow the rules and no, it’s not hard, it will free you just by following the rules, if you struggle keeping God’s rules and you think they are too hard, start off with something simple, some thing that I did is changed my music, I realized, that every day, all day long I was giving about 100% all to music that annoyed others, was loud, and angry, with bad messages in the words, it’s all I thought I liked. So I decided I was going to start off with cleansing myself in the morning,  when I woke up, rather than turning on my old music, I now turn on relaxing, calming music. 

I am amazed. How less angry I am. How I am able to stay calm when people get mad. How little things don’t bother me as much anymore. And all I did was change my music.  Now I have a pattern that I have set up from 7 AM till 10 AM. I listen to calming relaxing music,  also from 7 AM till 10 AM. This is when I work out.

This is my daily exercise time, when I first start, first thing I do is I turn on my calming, relaxing music, the funny part is, I was told by someone else exercising. I was the only person they knew, that could work out to relaxing music,my response was “well, you’re wrong, because you’re here with me exercising also… and enjoying it.”  We both laughed and kept exercising.   They now show up to work out with me more and more.

Since I changed my music in the morning and I’m working on myself to get healthier each day, my life is changing for the better, if somebody would’ve told me that all I had to do, is change my music for my life to improve.. I would’ve laughed, I would’ve said you are crazy, and I would’ve laughed it off and forgot about it.  

Please if you have a listening ear and you truly want to change, if you don’t like something about yourself.

Change the rules you are following, by your decisions you make each day, by the rules you decide to follow.

For me because of my angry, annoying music, that’s who I was becoming, because that’s who I was following. That’s what I was bringing and feeding my soul and into my life.

Think about your life and the rules you’re following and how you can do better. 

Don’t look at how others want you to be better.

Look inside yourself, and analyze yourself,  are you happy?  If not, why? 

 What are you allowing? What rules are you following or not following? That are putting you where you are now and ultimately where you will be going.

Going to Jail is a perfect example of people that don’t or are unable to follow the rules, if you don’t follow the rules now, later, you will be forced to follow the rules, this is also how it is eternally. 

If we are unable to abide by Gods rules now, where are we going to go? 

There are 10 rules,    How many rules are you following?





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