Hello-welcome to my blog

I felt inspired to write down my poetry and things that come to my mind ever since I decided to change towards God.

I feel inspired almost daily on things that I need to write down 
and share with the world about my life
 so others can know,  
that they are not the only people 
going through these problems

I was inspired to make this website to share my life 
so others don’t have to struggle….

So lonely people out there 
can know there is hope.

Those that feel empty and abandoned…

I was there

 I experienced all of it….

And I want to share my experience…

On how I got out of it…

I am no longer
 in the world…….

I have given 
my life 
over to God.

The first thing I do 
when I meet people 
 I want to shake their hand

And Quote.
My favorite scripture to them.

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ
I have been called of Him
To declare His word
Among His people
That they might have everlasting life

My name is David Roe.

I would love to talk to anybody 
who is out there struggling.
Please if you need help, 

I’m ready to help 
share my message

Of what I went through……..

So others
 can get out of their 
bad habits 

before they get…..

 to where I got !!!

I ended up in prison !
My body got so broken !
 I couldn’t walk anymore…
From all the accidents !
the injuries !
The drugs !
The Fighting!

I was ….

one of the worst of the worst.. 

I have experienced,
Things that other people
 are so scared to talk about…….
 I understand…

 I am sick of hiding,
 who I am meant to be…

And so I am sharing 
my conversion story

to God !!!

With the world…….

So Everyone can know there is hope…
For anybody…

If God
 changed me…….

David Roe

Somebody who was……..
 in prison 
for stupid things that 
I did…

And I have deep remorse 
that I did it. 

 I feel the deepest depths of hell 
for what I did.
And it doesn’t matter
 what people say..

 how much they 
yell at me…

how much they tell me 
how horrible
 of a person I was…….

Because God allowed my soul
 to know
What hell feels like.

He, God
 took all 
His light
 away from me 
for a time

I was left
 with a continuous 
feeling of hell……….

I know 
because of my decisions, 

I know 
what hell feels like !

I was so dark in the world…

But I want everybody to know there is hope
 no matter where you are…

Please read anything you feel inspired to read…in my Blog

And if you read some thing that touches your heart

The first thing I suggest you to do..

Is pray to your Heavenly Father
In a silent prayer

And talk to Him… 

And then close your prayer,
In the name of 
Jesus Christ.


And whatever you get inspired to do

Act upon it immediately…!

He will talk to you…!

He will let you know through


What to do…

I testify to you ! 
in the Holy Name 
 of Jesus Christ

My Savior !!!
Your Savior !!!

If I can change…!

Then everyone…….

 has hope…..

Anybody living…..

on this earth……

right now….

Can change !!!!!

 Everyone can know 
 in their heart !

 that God knows
 you exist…

He God
took me 

One of the 
worst of the worst

And He God 
changed me…..

 I am a disciple of Jesus Christ


going to share the message
of God

And bring as many people
 as I can 

back to 

And tell everyone….

there is hope…

And I am finally
 ready to share my story..

I lived in the world, 
almost anything you can name….
if it was worldly I did it..

I want to share my experiences
my life
My conversion story…

so others do not have to go through
 what I did…

If you can come talk to me 
with an open heart 
open mind

no yelling

no fighting

Then I am willing to talk.


 if any anger 
anything like that comes up, 

I will walk away….

I lived that life of anger and Hatred…
I want no part of it !

But if you truly want
 to learn how to change..

I don’t have all the answers…

But I will share all my experiences, 
so hopefully you can get something out of them…
so you don’t have to suffer 
as much as I have…

All my life

 I was……..

 the worst example….

 to the world.

on how to live….

I was…….

the perfect example……..

 on how to become………

a villain !


I know 
I am on the path…..
with God now…
And it is my opportunity
 to be a Hero this time..

gave me 

a second chance…
I choose 
to be a disciple of Jesus Christ !!!

With my 2nd chance.

I am going to help
 as many people as I can

and let them know…..

They are children of God

And there is hope !!!
If God can take me…

And turn me into 
what I am now 


Imagine what
 He, God…

Can do 
you !


I actually wrote this on May 26Th at 8:22 pm

But I wanted it to be my 1st posting…



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