Deep thoughts- taking a look back

 This is gonna sound kind of odd, I want you to look at yesterday, from a different perspective. I want you to imagine your house, so that you can see it Crystal clear in front of you, As if you were across the street, looking at it. Now I would like you to sit down in a chair or whatever, but across the street from your house, And I want you to get really comfy,  what I want you to see or understand, Is how others see you. 

If they were to sit in that chair as you are, All day long just observing, what would they see?.

Let me tell you where I used to be.

My hours were everywhere, Some days i would be up all night, Some days I would be up all day, My hours were all over the place, And it was really frustrating and hard to sleep, I stayed inside most of the day, Because I told myself I was in too much pain,! If I would have gone out, it would’ve been for food or gas, But then I would just come back home and stay to myself.

If I were across the street and watching this, I would’ve thought…

That guy must be in a lot of pain Or he’s in a dark place I never see him, I wonder if he’s OK, He used to come outside and do stuff, Now he never comes out, Well, I don’t wanna bother him, he must be really bad. 

I wish I would’ve had somebody in all those years, Of my own personal struggles, I was just Waiting for help, Waiting for somebody to reach out,Because I was lost.  And because I was so stubborn,I thought I had to do it my own way.

The good thing that I take out of all my past….

All the things that I went through……

I can look,At how others might be dealing with this exact same thing. That I went through,I need to remember how painful,How lonely,How miserable I was. Not the memories that I went through,But the feelings….I had Or I didn’t have…

I need to remember how I prayed and looked and waited for help,And it never came. Until now,40 years later

So what I’m saying is learn from yesterday or learn from the things that you’ve gone through,And reach out to those that are going through these things, You see them every day you know how they used to be,They are your neighbors they are your Sisters and your brothers, they are your Family.

They might be in such Anguish and pain just as you were,That you might be the only person that can reach out and help them, Because you experienced possibly the same thing they are

And if you didn’t experience the same thing they did, I promise you with all my heart that they need somebody to talk to.They need somebody that cares for and that loves them.

If you have seen somebody that used to go out and have fun and enjoyed life, Now you never see them,Whether that’s from an accident,An injury, What Ever it is that got Them this way? In their life that has brought them into the state where they are now… They need help..And don’t do just a simple phone call,If you do a phone call, call them every day,Not once a month, that’s not gonna do any good. It’s gonna say hey I remembered you whatever goodbye…

Call them every day, Go do service for them every day,

If our savior Jesus Christ, Was sitting in that chair,Watching you…

He would’ve sat For one second,Knew what was going on.And he would’ve ran over so fast, put his arms around me,And he would’ve done everything he could’ve done,He would’ve said everything he could’ve said,To bring me, to help me, back in a better place,

I need to be more like my savior….

I need to reach out and forget about myself,

And seek those who have been through my struggles,So that they don’t have to…..

I don’t want anybody to feel pain,To feel sorrow,To feel lonely…But I know it is in this world,And now I have an opportunity.To change

To make someone else’s life better,To let them know, I have been there.

I can’t hide my story,

I need  to wake up and decide, am i a good person or are am I a bad person?

Do you want people to remember you after you die or do you want them to hate you and despise you?

Do you want to be a villain in your own life story

Or do you want to be that amazing hero?

You get to decide your life,Wake up…..

Forget about yourself, Look at others and Serve others.

If you believe in the Bible, and you believe that Adam and Eve were our first parents….

Then that means we are family, No matter how distant,No matter how different we might be…

We all come from the same mortal parents, And we know, you know with all your heart, That you Have a Heavenly father, That loves you so much.

That he gave us….A perfect example,On how we should live,On how we should love, He was never about himself,He was always about Doing His Fathers work, He never said oh I’ve gotta go over here. I’ve gotta do this. I’ve gotta check out the store.,He knew that we are all family,And he loved everyone he saw,He could see where they were at,Those that were more of the world,Those that were humble,And he Searched for those in need,That were humble that were ready to listen,They were open and ready to hear,He was the Perfect example in every way,Jesus Christ is our perfect example,Because he knows each of us,More personally than we know ourselves And I know he loves me! 

And I know he loves you And because he is Not here,

It is your responsibility, My responsibility….

To act, To serve, To bless, To lift up, To encourage, To strengthen all of our family, I need to be more like the perfect example, What can I do to bless others?

 We cannot lose focus of our family, Our neighbors, If all we’re doing is focusing on ourselves. We will remain in our own lonely, sorrowful state! 

 Soon as you forget about your problems, forget about your pain, forget about everyone else in a negative way or yourself in a negative way, You will change,They will change.

Look at your life,Please look at your life,What pains what struggles have you gone through?,That you are so thankful,  that you are just amazed, that you don’t have to deal with that anymore! 

That God has blessed you not to have to deal with those things anymore. 

I promise you he doesn’t want you to forget what you struggled with,Because now you have those experiences to bless, to lift and encourage others.  To help them through their lives, Just as Jesus Christ is helping you through your life.





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