Misery loves company

Misery loves company…….

 This quote or saying has always driven me crazy, so I would like to explain it in my own terms.

From my past

I know that when I am around other miserable people

I am more miserable

I never liked being around them

I never wanted to be around people who were miserable.

So to me, I had to think up another way of looking at this,

 and hopefully these thoughts on this subject 

will make more sense to you, as it does to me.

Before we all came to earth, there was a war in heaven, in Revelations 12:7-17. Sadly One Third of those spirits followed satan, in Revelations 12:4, then in Revelations 12:8-9 it says, “satan prevailed not, neither was there a place found any more in heaven”,(which means he was cast out of heaven for his act, and all those that followed him were cast out also!)

These spirits, who all their life had been around God, and had that wonderful joy, and that Bright Light around them, while dwelling with God. These spirits, when they decided satans idea, was better, these  1/3 then followed satan and these were the third that were cast out. After they were cast out, they no longer had God’s Love, God’s Light with them, they now we’re in darkness, spiritual darkness, they were without their Heavenly Father, the decision they made to follow satan, Rather then God, thrust the Light of God out of them, they are now miserable dark spirits just wanting Gods Light again

By me thinking of this, I can picture, all of us here on earth chose to follow our Savior Jesus Christ.

And that’s why we have bodies, and these amazing opportunities to talk about our Savior, and to help others remember, that they chose Jesus Christ, and that’s why all of us have bodies, we have this amazing opportunity’s to accept our Savior and to help others do the same… To Help our Sisters and Brothers, all of the seed of Earth to Remember, that’s why we’re all here. In Revelation 12:12. It is warning, to all those who are dwelling on earth. ( us, everyone who has a body!) 

That all those dark spirits, those 1/3 that followed satan, and his deception are now feeding on our Spiritual light and all the brightness that we have around us. 

In my opinion, they were cast out of heaven, and soon as they were,  God’s light and Gods brightness, and every happiness and joy, the greatest feelings you can ever imagine. Were removed from them.,they no longer have Gods Light with them. 

 These now dark spirits, are doing everything in their power to feel that light again, The Warmth of God

God’s Light was removed from them because of their decisions to follow satan.

I think that they want Gods Light so much, they’ve been in the dark for so long, that they are just so negative and angry and miserable, for the decision they made.

This darkness is what they carry around with them, these Dark spirits, who fell away. 

I think soon as they(dark spirits) see one of us, Children of God, which is everybody here on earth, we who chose God’s Plan of Salvation, we who have the Light of God around us!

These dark spirits want it back, they want the Light back, that we all have, but they know, they can never have it, so they do everything in their power to grab onto that Light and hold onto it as much as they can, and these spirits only have a short time, as stated in Revelations 12:12.

Soon as one (dark spirit) is able to latch on, we find ourselves, beginning to lie, beginning to hate, and beginning to change and I think, soon as one dark spirit grabs on, other dark spirits who are miserable, then recognize that they have an opportunity to grab onto that Light that was removed from them.

 And they gather together and that’s where we get the saying “ misery loves company”Revelation 12:8-9.

So these 1/3 that followed satan are doing everything in their power so that we don’t feel the joy and happiness, the Light that we have with us, they want to snuff it out.

They are miserable. 

And they feel that if they are miserable, Everybody should be miserable..

So satan came up with his own plan, Revelation 12:13-17. 

And we read in Genesis 3:  of satans plan being revealed, to disrupt and try to go against God again.

Sisters, Brothers, All my Family, we must do all Within our Power to Hold onto the Light of Christ, and help Others push away from the Darkness.

We are Children of God!  in Psalm 82:6. ye are gods; all of you are Children of The Most High.

Romans 8:16-17.  The Spirit (Holy Ghost) itself, beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the Children of God!

Romans 8:28-39 there is a Very Powerful Promise found in verses 37-39, no matter the darkness that is around us, that is trying to pull us away from God as long as we stay fixed on Christ, He will deliver us!

We chose this amazing Plan of Salvation in Heaven and it all circles around Jesus Christ.

Sisters, Brothers, All my family, 

We need to let go of these dark feelings, negativity, and anything that snuffs out the Light of God!

We are so much more than,….

We are allowing ourselves to be….

If you have any negativity or darkness or anything…

that’s in your mind…..

In your mannerisms……

In the way you act……

the way you think……

Call upon God……

Seek out those that have the truth……

We are children of God! 

We don’t like being miserable….

we don’t like sadness….

We don’t like others to feel this way…….

 It is in our nature……..

Our God given nature………

That He (God) has placed in each one of us. 

To have joy.

Look inside your self……

Analyze who you truly are…….

 what do you like to do?

 What makes you happy? 

And not just worldly happiness, I mean true, inner happiness. 

When you are around your family, or friends or strangers and somebody does something super nice for you……

that overwhelming love that is inside you…….

that feeling of joy…….

of happiness….

This our Heavenly Father reminding us of this joy, and the happiness of following Him.

 We need to wake up……..

Remove this misery…..

This Darkness from ourselves, as much as we can do. 

And then we must turn ourselves over to God! 

And plead for His help, as stated above, God will not leave us alone.

But we have to do all within our power to change first, 

we need to prove to ourselves, 

who we are…….

we need to Know that we are Children of God…

And that we Can change…….

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me..

If you find yourself dwelling on anything negative, or are angry about something or someone else,

 Step back…….

Why are you so angry?

 Pray to God to help you understand why? 

And plead for His Grace to soften your Heart and Mind.

 Why are you dwelling on some thing that you have no control over, 

focus on joy, 

focus on happiness.

 Focus on God…

Forget about these negative feelings, 

pray to God to soften your heart.

Ezekiel 36:24-28 

24.for I (God) will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of all countries and will bring you into your own land.

25. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.

26.A new heart Also will I give you, a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

27.and I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My Statues, and ye shall keep My judgments and do them.

28. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, and ye shall be my people.,and I will be your God.

This amazing Promise that God has given us

that He will remove the darkness

the thorns

the problems

that are weighing us down!  

He our God, Our Father in Heaven WILL remove the darkness, that is around us. 






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