Deep Thought -Rock Bottom

 I need to look back through My past, Figure out the things that you allowed into your life instead of Christ, And remove all that you can, And plead for Christ to do the rest.

To be able to analyze and understand my mistakes, And also help those in my past, present and future that, I’ve seen struggle, That I’ve hurt, To be able to internalize it spiritually, And then be able to share with  the pure love of Christ towards others that they may come back. 

That They may understand in a simple, childlike understanding, that when I teach or talk to others, that I may be inspired, Not knowing beforehand what to say, but I can listen with all the intent of my heart to the things they talk about, And not let side thoughts or interruptions come into my mind.

 I need Help to develop my spiritual gifts, And to be the example, Christ sent me to be! 

I need, I would like more fire burning within me, That I can accomplish these things.

 That I can put off the world. 

Oh God, My Eternal Father……….. Help me to internalize Each person I read about in the scriptures, Or in books, Or come around, That I can see ways that I can be better, Not by comparing myself to them, But by seeing Christ in them, Help me to follow all Christlike examples, And help me to be a better example to the world, To myself, But most of all to Thee, my God, That I am a Child of God. 

That I want this, That I am the leader that Thee Dear Lord, sent me for, To help.. to Serve.. 

I am asking for God‘s help to accomplish these desires in my heart.

I need Thine help to drive all evil spirits, And darkness that may be around, That I don’t want them anymore.

I don’t want any part of them or it. 

I want to give everything to my Savior Jesus Christ!!!

I want to be an example like He was, and is……

And I know,  I will never Accomplish it all.

But I also know I don’t want to struggle anymore.

I have to give My everything, I want to grab on tight and lead by being a better example.

I need inspiration, I need knowledge to help me, as I read or listen to the scriptures, as I read or listen to any gospel doctrine, As I sing or listen to any spiritual music, That each time I do….more darkness, more worldly corruption that I have allowed in me, Will want no part of me or my presence anymore. 

And that I may accept my Christ, My Savior more and more each day.

 And that today is my ROCK BOTTOM !!!

The lowest I’m going to allow my life to get.

And tomorrow, even if I improve a little bit today,

Tomorrow is going to be the lowest I am going to allow myself to get,

No matter the day that I am in, it will be my ROCK BOTTOM And I will strive every day to make today and tomorrow better! 

I am going to strive to make my Life better, More Christlike, And more loving towards others,

I need to prove to myself who I am !!!

I need to look internally on the things I truly love,

And the things I love to be around!

 I think ultimately what I’m asking or praying for……

Is that I can be a better example of MY SAVIOR ……..





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