Wednesday 6-26

 This morning I woke up and I went directly to the pool

And I decided this morning that I was going to train one of the new techs that I had never seen before

So I went out into the foyer

And I saw another tech there and I asked her about the really tall tech that was new

because I wanted to teach him how to do the pool

She told me that the tall person was over there in that room

I walked over to him and I said excuse me, I haven’t met you before my name is David

I take care of the pool.

He introduced himself

And he told me that he was from the other building in another city and he was here just filling in

I said I’m sorry I didn’t know that 

you probably wouldn’t want to learn about the pool, then

And he told me that he was here a couple days ago and he was actually interested in the pool 

because he didn’t know we had one in this office

I then said 

If you have time, come back and I’ll teach you what you want to know

He said I have time now

So we both walked back to the pool

I taught him how to do all the chemicals

 I taught him how to do the temperature 

I taught him everything and he was hungry for it

He really wanted to learn

 It was fun to teach him.

He asked me really good questions about the pool and when I pointed out easier ways to do it, 

He listened and tried them

And he responded. Those were very smart ideas.

then we walked around the pool and I showed him other things that needed to be done

We finished up checking on the chemicals. Everything was good.

He went back to his duties and I got in the pool after everything was perfect.

then I talked with a good friend that goes to the pool almost every day

Usually, we don’t talk. We just do our own things.

But today we talked for over an hour

It was really neat to get to know this person

They told me about a ward that is for single adults

And I got interested so I wrote down all the information about it for later, so I could look it up

We finished swimming around the same time

And then I had an impression to call up a good friend and ask him if he wanted to go bowling

He told me that he could a little bit later

Because he was getting out of the dentist

About an hour later

We ended up going bowling. We played two regular games 

His high game was 160 and my high game was 213 

and then we played one fun game, called low ball

The goal in lowball is to get the lowest score possible… which is 22

He got 123 and I got 105

After we finished bowling, he told me

 he was going to some concerts tonight and he was excited about it

After Bowling, I went and visited my sister who was setting up a firework stand

And I briefly helped them set up some banners

After everything got set up

my sisters ride left

So, I was able to drive her to where she needed to go

And then I drove home

When I got home, I started doing a 1000 piece puzzle  

The border was already done. I was doing the middle part. 

I put in about five pieces and I couldn’t concentrate

I was exhausted

So I decided to go out in the yard and sit by the tree out in the grass and watch the bugs in the Flower bed

And I was just so exhausted. I couldn’t even do that so I went back inside

And did the puzzle for two or three more pieces…….

but then I thought

 I’m just going to listen to my body

And so I went and laid down

I fell asleep for three hours

When I woke up 

the thought of this morning came to my mind…….about that single adult ward

And I looked them up on their webpage

And it mentioned that on Tuesdays,

 they do a Institute class and volleyball at their church building

And I got excited so I left in a big rainstorm and headed up to provo 

 so I could go meet some people and learn about the gospel and maybe play volleyball

I have not played volleyball in years and I was looking forward to playing 

So I drove up in a really bad rainstorm 

up towards their church building which is right next to the temple that got taken down 

so they can rebuild it, which is the Provo temple

And I sat in the parking lot  

I was an hour early 

(If you have read my past writings you will know that I do not like to be late to anything)

And I sat there in the rainstorm, Listening to the new church music that came out

And I prayed, and I thought about things and pondered a lot of things 

and I was excited about getting to play volleyball tonight

6:45 pm rolls around and nobody shows up at the church and I’m thinking…

 two activities are going on 

Institute class and volleyball…

who wouldn’t want to show up for these two activities???

So I sat there for 15 minutes till 7pm and nobody shows up and I started thinking 

Ok…what’s going on…….

is it the storm ?  

because it was a pretty bad storm !

I couldn’t figure out why nobody was coming

I waited for 10 more minutes 

I checked the website again and I’m like yup…in my mind

they have volleyball and they have Institute on Tuesday’s

and then I looked up at the top of my phone

And it said it was Wednesday……. today !


I woke up from a three hour nap not realizing that it was Wednesday today

 thinking it was Tuesday 


that was the first thing I read 

when I woke up from my nap

And I started to laugh in the church parking lot about what happened 

and I thought 

well I might as well use this as an opportunity as I drive home to help somebody

So I prayed

And one of my favorite things to do is look for homeless people in need of help

And I prayed that I would be able to find somebody that was hungry

And the inspiration that I got 

was go to the Maverick gas station

And that was a good mile and a half away

So I said OK 

and I drove there

And on the way, I was thinking who would be at a Maverick

 that’s usually not where you see homeless people

So I pulled up to a gas pump,

 to pump number three

And I like to pay in cash every time I go to get gas

It gets me more exercise

So as I began to walk to the front entrance

I looked over to my left and I see a woman getting ready to sit in her car

It looks like she just finished filling her gas up

And then I looked at her car and she had a flat tire on the front passenger side

And I felt inspired to go over and tell her

And as I was walking over to tell her,

 I felt inspired again to tell her

And I said, excuse me, 

but I want you to know you have a flat tire

 if you’re not aware of it

And she said…….

I did not know     

thank you…

And as I started to walk away, 

I said, 

would you like help?

And she said 

yes……. instantly 

And so I said let’s open up your trunk and see what you have

And as she did, I walked over to my van and got my car jack out just in case

Not knowing what she had in the back of her car

So as she was looking throughout the back of her car, 

I walked back over to her

I felt inspired not to change her tire at the pump 

and so I looked throughout the parking lot 

and I saw a flat spot that we could work on the tire

And I said let’s not do this at the pump.

 How about you drive over to where it’s more flat and we get away from the gas pump

And I will help you over there

So she said 


I then put the jack back,  in the back of my van and

I went and paid my $20 for gas and came back to my van

And she had already pulled over to the other side of Maverick

Where it was flat and away from the pumps 

so i walked over to her and I said could you please put on your emergency brake for me

And she stopped what she was doing, and she put on the brake

She was taking everything out of her trunk 

and putting it in the backseat because her trunk was full of items

And I just reached in and grabbed stuff with her and put stuff in the back seat with her 

She was putting stuff in the driver side and I was putting stuff in the passenger side

We were working together to empty the trunk to figure out what she had spare tire wise

By lifting up a flap the spare tire was under

I just reached in, grabbed her bolt loosener and spare tire

And she didn’t have a very good jack 

so I grabbed mine out of my van

I then proceeded to take off her flat tire 

then I put on her new spare tire and then set her car back down

As she just stood there the whole time

She kept saying thank you

Over and over

I did not let her do anything. 

I did everything with precision.

Changing the tire probably took 10 minutes at the most

it was A really fun experience

As I was finishing

 I told her that I had just gotten baptized last month 

on may 23rd

And she said that was really cool

I then said 

is it OK if I ask you a question?

She said yes

I said what is your favorite scripture?

She said it is… Proverbs 3: 5-6

And she quoted it right then and there…I was very impressed

Most people can’t quote their favorite scriptures…

She then asked me - my favorite scripture 

Which is 3rd Nephi 5:13

Which I then quoted

She then asked me my name and I gave it to her

And she introduced herself to me

And I said I would shake your hand, but you have clean hands and mine are dirty from changing the tire

then I gave her a fist bump…

I asked if I could give her a little bit of advice

About her tire…

I suggested to her…….

To get her spare tire fixed as soon as possible

Just in case she gets another flat tire, she will not be in trouble and be stranded 

And it’s not good to drive on those small tires.

She said thank you…….

As I was finishing up putting everything away

I said 

I hope you have an amazing night.

As I was walking away 

I felt inspired to ask if she wanted to read about my conversion story

And she said absolutely 

she seemed as if she was excited about it

And so I shared with her my website

And I said if you go to my blog

that’s where you’ll read about my personal experiences of my conversion back to God

And what I do in my daily life

She said she would look at it

She once again said thank you…

 I said you’re welcome and have an amazing night !!!!!!!

She drove off 

 then I went and filled up my car with 20 dollars in gas

Then I went inside and washed my hands

So I did not go to Maverik … to feed somebody

I went to Maverik … to serve somebody

I then drove off and thought 


I’m going to go home now and see if I can find anybody else that might be hungry 

or in need on the way home

After 20 minutes of driving

And not seeing anybody in need 

the thought of ice cream popped into my mind 

when i was almost home

So I drove over to the Winco grocery store and I bought

 One gallon of ice cream…vanilla bean

And I bought some tropical frozen fruit mix

When I got home, I felt inspired to make a fruit smoothie

And I invited a family member into the room 

where I was making the smoothie

And told them about my Amazing night…

and at first 

how I forgot what day it was…….

And then how I was able to help somebody in need…

It was fun to look back and see the miracles that God placed in my life…


As I told them about my night

I then served all the family members in my home the smoothies that I just made

I ran out of my smoothie drink

And had to make one more batch for me

To enjoy also…….

The recipe that I made for the fruit smoothie, if anybody is interested

This is my own fruit smoothie recipe…….

Two cups of frozen fruit….   I used (winco brand tropical fruit mix )

3 cups of water

One cup of sugar

2 cups of ice

(If you want to put ice cream in to make it smoother / creamier) 

Add three scoops of ice cream…….I prefer vanilla bean… but that’s up to you…

Throw it in the blender…….

Make sure you serve it with love…








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