Sunday’s experience

 This morning I woke up, studied my scriptures 

Then talked to God for a good while about all kinds of questions that I have

I asked three different questions this morning between God and me

That I have been wondering about for a while

After my scripture study, 

I drove to church early

 and waited for the doors to open so I could go in and help set up chairs

There is a dear brother in this ward that shows up early also just waiting to set up the chairs

He never comes in a tie because he rushes to get there like he’s excited to get there and help out

But during sacrament meeting, he is always wearing a tie, and he is very well dressed

I talked to this dear brother this morning about how beautiful the weather has been

And then we discussed about it being the fifth Sunday, and how we were going to set up the chairs

I jokingly said we need to do it outside. Have everybody come outside 

we haven’t done it since we were kids

 let’s do it outside

 Enjoy this nature and hear the talks and messages out there

Then we went back-and-forth 

we were talking about how we would do it,

 and how long it would take to set up and how the old people would not be able to do it and it was really fun to talk to him and jokingly try to figure out how we would do it outside 

But it wasn’t our call to say that we were going to do it outside. We just went early to set the chairs up.

I went to sacrament meeting and we had a really powerful hymn 

The choir Director got up and he talked about what we were about to sing and how important it was and why he wanted not just the choir to sing but everybody to sing by joining in the 3rd verse

It was the new hymn #1001

It was a very powerful hymn it got me in the mood for the day that I’m having. So far…….

I don’t know why

 but I got up immediately after the Sacrament meeting was over 

I went out to my vehicle

Got in and started the engine like I wasn’t going to the second class

I then turned off the engine and said, what am I doing? 

I need to go in there for the second class.

But I felt like I needed to drive 

so I drove towards the church that I was going to go to later today

Which was the Provo ward that I had the mistake of going to on Wednesday thinking it was Tuesday. Last week

When I arrived, I parked as far away as possible from the building 

Somebody is always more disabled than I am

So I try to park as far as I can

For those that need to park closer

And I can get more exercise to make me in better shape

And as I was walking to the building, I looked over to somebody coming into the parking lot

And I did a double take because I thought in my mind, I know them

And then, instantly I realized it is somebody that I swim with,

And I waved to them, i got a big smile and kept walking into the building

I then thought I don’t know how long I’m going to be here so I’m gonna go use the restroom

As I was leaving the restroom, I walked right into the people that I saw drive up 

that I swim with

And I said, I’m not sure why I’m here this early 

but I need to be here

 and then I am going to the next Sacrament meeting at noon

And they welcomed me, shook my hand, said their name, and then I introduced myself

To those that didn’t know me from the pool

And then they invited me to sit with them

As we were walking down the hallway

I thought…….That was really neat to feel so welcome instantly in a new ward

We got down to the end and they were doing Sacrament during this time so the doors were shut and it was quiet

There were a couple chairs open, and they went over to them, and I went and stood next to the wall

And there was a picture of Christ right directly opposite of me

During Sacrament I got to look at my Savior Jesus Christ in a full large picture, and then I got to take the Sacrament. That was awesome.

After the Sacrament was over, I opened up the door so everybody could come into Sacrament meeting

So we could all hear the talks

I invited everyone that was outside the chapel 

Into it

One gentleman did not want to. He wanted to sit out in the comfy chair.

As we entered the chapel It was full

so the family that invited me to sit with them sat down and there was not enough room, so I went and sat behind them

The very first talk, answered one of my questions

It was by sister Tate

I asked her if I could have her last name and quote her

She said 

 “ the temple is a house of faith

You can’t gain faith, unless you go into the house of faith”

That hit me really deep

Because I’ve been wondering how to gain more faith

And even though I can’t enter the temple yet

That’s one of the mighty goals that I have

I look so forward to going in the temple 

There was one scripture that everyone kept talking about in both the talks 

and that was Doctrine and Covenants 109 The whole chapter

And in another talk, somebody said Doctrine and Covenants 109:8 

so I’m going to also see what that specific verse is in that section

And the other scripture that was mentioned is Ether 12:6

So later on this week

I’m going to read each one of these scriptures on separate days

 and study them and then hopefully

 I will be able to translate how my day goes as I try to apply each scripture each day

Whenever I go to church, I bring a little sticky pad……. whatever color it might be 

today it was blue

And when somebody says a scripture, I write it down, put my pen away and go right back to the talk  Trying to keep eye contact , so I don’t have my mind wander as I’m listening

And then later on, that’s when I study these new scriptures each day and try to apply it or try to understand what God is trying to tell me…

When the Sacrament meeting was over 

the second one that I had been to for the day

I then went directly up front and sat in the second row as close to the wall as possible so I can lean back for my back and be able to stretch while listening 

The choir of the noon ward

Was trying to rehearse, and everybody in the congregation of the last sacrament meeting was really really loud

And up on stage the choir members were discussing if they should say something or not 

or what they should do so they could practice

And one gentleman from the choir group got up 

and started to walk to the Microphone but changed his mind and walked away 

I then stood up

Went over to him and said I am not in this ward, but I know you guys want to practice. 

If I was in this ward , I would gladly go up there and ask people to please be reverent and let you guys rehearse for your choir practice

He then got the courage to go up there and asked everybody to please be quiet, and to exit 

so they could practice

 in a very kind and loving manner

I was very impressed with the way he did it

As the choir was practicing

I was sitting there listening, and the person in the row behind me

Started to talk to me and tell me about their life and everything that was going on and it was really fun to listen to this person

I then saw somebody else enter the building that I knew

And I told the person I was talking to. I’m sorry, but I need to go talk to them 

I know them.

So I got up and went over and I shook their hand

And they had a really good handshake 

I have never shook their hand before

It was the person from the pool that’s told me about this amazing ward

I then came and sat back down

During the meeting 

I had people talking behind me, and I couldn’t focus on what was being said at the microphone 

So I moved away from the wall and went to the other side of the Bench

 so I didn’t hear the people behind me talking

This was an interesting sacrament meeting 

as for who was presiding over it

There was one second counselor from the bishopric

The 2nd person I believe……. it was the stake president of that ward

And the 3rd …was a member of quorum of the 70’s he was there also

During this sacrament meeting, there was another musical and this person got up and told everything about this musical which was absolutely beautiful to listen to

It was a violin and a piano

During this meeting, the scripture that was talked about was in  1st Peter 2:9 and also in Galatians

They did not mention where in Galatians…….so I’m gonna read the whole thing and see what I get out of it and see if I can remember or figure out what they were talking about.

 I believe it was about the hymn “How Great Thou Art”…

That The violin and piano played earlier 

About a week ago I asked somebody a question how many generations has it been since Joseph Smith?

And the person that I asked, didn’t know

But today I got the answer it’s been 180 years since the martyrdom of Joseph Smith, the prophet

So that’s another question that God answered today

And then, after the meeting was over, I felt inspired to go talk to the quorum of the 70’s member

I wish I could remember his name but I am horrible with names, so I apologize…I don’t remember

As I went up there, I shook his hand and I noticed that he was in a hurry 

so I said, go ahead and do what you have to do

I’ll talk to you if you have time 

he said thank you 

Then he left 

I believe he was chasing after those that gave the talks 

because they were awesome talks

I then shook the stake presidents hand

And told him I was excited to talk to the member of the 70’s

because I was seeking counsel…

And he asked me what it was about

And I told him about the situation I was having

And he said oh that’s easy you don’t need to talk to him. 

Let me tell you what to do 

he said 

I experienced this Situation last week. 

And I know exactly what to do for you

So he told me what to do 

that was an answer to one of my prayers this morning

He then said, since I told you…….

I know that the member of the 70 is very busy, 

you don’t need to talk to him anymore

And I said, OK and I began to walk out the door 

Soon as I opened the door, the member of the 70 was there talking to somebody that was very upset

And I tried to walk by…….so I didn’t interrupt them

And the member of the 70 

grabbed my arm and did not let me go

As this other gentleman was in a very angry voice getting mad at this Apostle 

And telling him what he had to do to solve the situation, and all of his talking was anger and frustration and hatred

I stepped back into the corner

 because I was trapped because he grabbed my arm

And I listened to this going on for about a minute

Silently with my head down

And as it was going on, I was praying what should I do?

And I felt like I needed to cut in and say I’m sorry, but I need to talk to this member of the 70

And the angry man realized something and quit talking and walked away

 As we were entering back into the chapel

I said I’m sorry, but what I have to say is not that important,

 but I felt like I needed to interrupt that conversation.

 It was very negative.

And get you away from it

I then told him my name

I wish I could’ve shook in his hand and told him my favorite scripture but I didn’t need to

I told him what I was going through within 30 seconds. I told him everything about where all my worries were and what was going on.

And he looked me in the eye, and said, 

“Don’t fear

You will succeed…

You will accomplish what you were sent here to do…”

I began to cry…….

I’m crying right now in fact…

as I am writing about it

That was the third answer to my prayers this morning 

and I’ve been praying about this subject for a month now

By me going to three Sacrament meetings today

I got four different answers that I’ve been seeking for

 for a month all the way till today…

All because this morning I got in my van, and drove away from church 

because of inspiration

To go to my ward and Two new wards 

After I talked to the quorum of the 70 member

I felt like I needed to go

So I went and said goodbye to those that I saw earlier in this ward

And as I got in my van I got a text

Asking what I was doing after church 

because he needed help

He said that he had been asking people for a while for help, but nobody ever had time

So I immediately drove over there

Not knowing what I was about to help with

He was planning a trip for this upcoming Fourth of July weekend

And he needed to bleed his brakes on his four wheeler‘s 

that he has

So I got out my work pants and a work shirt out of my van

 then i got out of my shirt and tie and suit

And I told him that I have never bled brakes before

But I was willing to learn

He then got down on a crate and started to point

On how to do it, and explain it

I said if you want you can stand up 

I will get down there and I will follow instructions and learn how to do it

So I got to learn how to bleed brakes on a four wheeler for the first time 

he was a very good teacher

After I got done helping him

As I was leaving 

He told me that he had a four-day weekend planned and he wanted to go out and drive around and enjoy nature

He then invited me to go with him

Because I took time out of my day to go help him when nobody else would

That was really neat

I don’t have any plans for the Fourth of July yet, but I do now

I find it truly amazing how God works

I got so many answers from listening to inspiration today

On where to go…….

When to do it…

And what to say…….

I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost

I am so grateful for the Peace that He brings

I am so grateful for the Sacrament

I am so grateful for those that went to church today 

and we’re my greater examples on how to be more Christlike

On my way home I went over to my sister’s house

They usually have Sunday dinner around this time of the day

But today she was not there, so I called her to make sure she was OK

She was

I then came home and went and sat in my chair and wrote down a lot of what I’ve typed so far

Then I had a thought I should watch the new book of Mormon videos with my family

So I invited them to come outside, and I set up a bunch of chairs in a way that the sun didn’t come into our eyes

And we began to watch the video together

I had a feeling to go get a drink from inside during the movie

I opened the door and looked over to the left

And there is my sister and my nephews wife and their three kids

It was a big shock. I did not hear them come in or pull up.

So I immediately turned around, saw my little nephew, running up to say hi to me

I turned around and said hi and welcomed the little one outside with us

And said, I think we have visitors

 I went and turned off the video

And we enjoyed their company for the next hour

It was really fun. We went out in the yard and picked raspberries.

The apples are not even close to being ripe yet. The boys wanted to pick them and eat them

I told them they were going to be very sour, but they wanted them anyway

So I picked each one of them up and let them  each pick the one that they wanted

We then went inside, and they were eating them

And I had the idea to cut them in half, so it be easy for them to bite into

And the middle child handed me his

And I took a bite with the scaredness because I knew it was gonna be bad

It had no flavor, it was not sour in anyway, it was very, very bland

I then understood why they were able to eat it

Later on in the evening 

The kids were playing with dinosaurs and monkeys

While the parents talked

After that, they left for the evening

Then we went back outside and watched the rest of the movie

And then we watched another book of Mormon short movie about

Alma and amulek Are delivered by the power of God 

it’s found in Alma chapter 8 -15

We finished the movie

And then I came downstairs and began to read a book by Henry B. Eyring 


And it’s reaffirming the answers that I received this morning in the three Sacrament meetings that I had gone to.

Wow, today is awesome





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