My experiment on a scripture…proverbs 3: 5-6

 This morning I woke up turned on my music and prayed and went straight to the pool at 6:30 in the morning

There was one person in the pool 

doing their regular routine

And then they jumped in the hot tub for about 20 minutes and they left

And with Thursdays being really slow for the pool

 I decided I was going to clean it today

So I cleaned the pool for an hour and a half and nobody showed up during the whole time 

But I did get a text from Aaron, he wanted to talk around 4:30 today 

I am grateful nobody came in the pool

Which was nice because I swept the whole bottom of the pool floor and then I vacuumed up everything

Without people moving around and making stuff float around everywhere

After I left the pool, I had no idea what I had planned for today

So I started thinking about all the things I could do and who I could help, and the thought came to my mind the Timpanogos Temple

So I decided to go home and throw my swimsuit into the washing machine and the dryer to dry it for tomorrow

But I got sidetracked, and I left my swimsuit in the car and the towel was wet in my car

I Then had a thought

To hand out Popsicles again 

on this hot summer day

 I went home to go grab my cooler and then I went to Walmart and bought a bunch of popsicles and ice cubes 

I bought 54 Popsicles with 4 different kinds that you could choose from

And I put them in my cooler and decided I was going to drive up towards the Timpanogos Temple 

rather than taking the main roads I was going to take back roads where the neighborhoods were

I just started handing out popsicles to every adult that was working out in their yard or out in the boat or I saw one guy carrying a big sheet of plywood from his house to the next-door neighbors house 

as I was driving  

I saw a white jeep  park next to me with its roof off at a stop light

I then turned down my music to be respectful 

And I said hello

Do you want a popsicle ? My brother was in his 50’s

He said yes 

He got one of the better ones

he was the passenger 

But the driver. I’m guessing she was his wife 

said no

I’m driving…….

Then the light turned green

And I turned my music back on so nobody at the stop light had to hear it…….

I went by a road construction site and this road hadn’t been used very often because it said road closed

So I pulled up to the construction workers and I said popsicles on me 

come take a break

And at first they weren’t sure what to do 

but eventually they came over and said are you charging money?

 I said nope…….

I’m looking for people who are working hard and who need a little break 

and to let you guys know that I am thankful for your example of working hard 

And after I gave them popsicles 

I said is there anybody else on your crew and they said about a block that way 

we have more working 

I said OK thank you and I drove towards the other crew

There were four people in this crew and I told them the same thing. 

Thank you for working hard and being a good example.

I drove another block and continued to hand out popsicles to construction workers. 

This time there were two of them working together in the shade 

These two workers were lucky to be in the shade

I then continued driving down the road closed Road 

There was a guy working out of his truck. I don’t remember the company name, but it looks like a pest control truck.

I drove up behind him and I said excuse me…….

 I see you’re working hard. Would you like a popsicle? 

He said yes thank you.

 thank you so much

He then asked, do you work for my company?

I said nope…….

I’m just driving around looking for people who are working hard and doing good work and being excellent examples to other people

He was really confused that I would just go around handing out free popsicles to random people

I smiled, waved good bye and just drove away

He waved back…….

I drove down another road and there was a landscaping company 

And they were all working together  

 I would say there were about 15 of them 

and I pulled over and I said 

 I am handing out free popsicles to hard workers today. 

Would you guys like some?

Half of them were interested,

half of them weren’t 

and then the boss yelled over and said 

hey… what are you doing?

I said I am in a really good mood today and I’m handing out free popsicles to anybody that wants a popsicle 

I told him I was handing them out to hard working people 

He said that’s really weird……

for some random person to hand out popsicles

I said 

You don’t have to take them if you want to 

 just tell me you don’t want them and I’ll leave 

he said no thank you…….

and so I left 

Because he was yelling to me,

 rather then walking up to me to talk

Everybody in the area…….

in his crew knew what was going on…….

I was focused on their boss the whole conversation 

But you could tell everyone was listening…….

 so half his crew were disappointed…….

that they didn’t get a popsicle for free and get a break

I saw it in some of their faces as I left…….

I drove down two houses and there were two guys working 

One in a trench with a pink shirt on and one guy walking over to his truck with a green shirt on

And I told them the same thing…

 I’m handling out popsicles

 those guys over there didn’t want any…….

 Do you guys want the popsicles that they didn’t want?

And they said heck, yeah…

 we will take the popsicles. 

We’re not with them ! 

So I gave them two popsicles each…….

And then they asked me 

why I was doing what I was doing…

And I told them that 18 years ago, I shattered my back and I know what it’s like to work construction and what working hard is like and not being able to take a break and not be able to enjoy yourself

And since I’m not able to work

I go around looking for people to help.

 To let them know they matter

He said that is really cool and very nice of you 

Then I showed them the scar on my back and told them the story 

Of how it happened…….

We talked for a little bit longer and then they had to get back to work, 

and I drove off looking for the next people to hand popsicles out to 

I went to a couple firework stands and handed popsicles out to those under the tent as they were setting up their firework stand under the hot canopy 

I went to a few other tents, but there were nobody in them so I just left

I handed out 34 popsicles to about 25 different people 

I handed out 2  or more popsicles to a couple of people

I then drove home and ate lunch

And sat out in the grass and watched the little creatures in the flower garden again today while I ate 

I then went over to my neighbors house to give them back the white pants they loaned to me for my baptism

And I also put in two snickers ice cream candy bars in a separate bag…….

with ice in the bag to keep them frozen 

to say, thank you for loaning me those pants for my amazing baptism day

As I was walking over there, another neighbor was working in his yard with a grass trimmer

And so I walked back into my house, grabbed another snickers candy ice cream bar

And went and handed it to him,

My neighbor with the weed trimmer 

then I Delivered the two ice cream bars, and the pants

Told them thank you very much

 Then I walked back home

When I got home

I had three of my friends that I had not seen in over a week 

Pop Into my mind and I texted everyone of them

One out of three responded to me immediately

I said, how are you doing today 

He then told me he just showed up to the swimming pool and he was about to do a workout

I told him that I had two hours of free time 

and would he like me to come down and work out with him

He agreed and so I drove down there and

I had to get into my wet swimming suit that I left in my car

Cold and wet suit isn’t the funnest thing to get into

I wish I would’ve put it in the dryer

But if I had, I would not be having the day I’m having so far

So, in a way, 

I’m grateful that I left the swimsuit in my car

So I could just leave to the pool

I put on my shoes and socks and drove straight over there

We worked out together for two hours

Which was really nice for me 

because I didn’t do any work out this morning

I just cleaned the pool.

He had a lot of questions about a lot of things in life

And I listened and responded, and we talked back-and-forth about other things

And it was really nice to talk to my dear brother again, and talk about life in general

My dear brother, got an amazing calling in the church, which I am excited for him to be doing

He…….Gets to work in the temple…

I can only imagine how peaceful it is going to be in the temple

I can’t believe over a month has gone by since I got baptized…

and I get to enter the temple in 11 months

As 3 o’clock was rolling around he told me he had another appointment, that he had to go to

So we then left the pool

at 4:30 pm I knew that I was going to meet another friend who called me earlier 

and said that he wanted to talk to me today

So I drove all around Provo looking for homeless people to feed

Waiting for 4:30

And I didn’t see a single person out on the road

So I drove to Arby’s in South Provo

And got fries and a sandwich there

And one gentleman behind the counter had a really gruff exterior

But he had a heart of gold

He had an amazing personality

His outward appearance and his inward appearance were totally different

It reminded me to never judge a book by its cover

I was finishing up eating my curly fries and this worker was just leaving and walking out the door

And I said, excuse me and he came back inside the door

And I said you have an amazing attitude and personality about you. 

Thank you for being so kind to me.

And he said thank you, with a big smile

 and he walked out the door

I then drove to my friends house 20 minutes early

And I saved the sandwich from Arby’s 

While I was waiting for him to get home

I ate my sandwich in his front yard

Just sitting in his grass

In my white shirt and tie

while I was waiting for him to pull up

I had no idea what Aaron wanted to talk about tonight 

I just went over there to help in anyway I could

He showed up 10 minutes earlier than he said he would

And at first, we talked about his work and how he wanted to stay longer at work,  but he decided not to stay later and drove home early

And then he was surprised, 

but not surprised at all that I was on his lawn

Rather than waiting for him to call me

And then he began to tell me his past week and how hard it has been for him

And while we were talking I got inspired to say three things to him

The first one was about his family and a patriarchal blessing

The second thing was the scripture that I had been told Last night

Which is proverbs 3: 5-6

And the third thing that I talked to him about was being sealed eternally for his family members

And how precious it was for two people in his family to be married at this time…….

In this life…

And one of the answers that he received from somebody else in a text was 

            She needs to do her endowment

And it really made both of us ponder about what was so deep in his mind at the moment

Or through the past week

It was very spiritual. I began to cry.

Because the spirit was so strong…

I used to be ashamed when I cried

Now I carry around tissues with me everywhere I go 

I love when I cry. 

I feel so much more peaceful when I do

Throughout the day

It’s as if I’m being cleansed from the inside out when I cry

I probably cried for a good 10 minutes on his front yard while we were talking

We had three missionaries come up and we talked to them for a while

And I reached out my hand and said I just got baptized… May 23 of this year

And I am so excited and so willing to teach and learn and help others 

and you can come… Talk to my friend Aaron anytime you want !!!

 I welcome you here at his home…

And Aaron just looked at me 

and chuckled 

 Then rolled his eyes and turned his head away…….

Then the missionaries left to their next appointment

I talked to Aaron for almost 2 1/2 hours on his front yard

Not only about his past week, but where his life is going 

and possible ways to go fishing more and to enjoy life more

Finally, after 2 1/2 hours of sitting on the grass talking, he went inside to change from work

I left and right as I pulled onto the road 

my alarm went off

And I thought I didn’t set my alarm today 

I pulled over and i looked down

And my alarm was going off for an Institute class 

called “come follow me” in North Orem

Which was a good 20 minute drive

So I turned off my alarm,

 turned on my music and drove the 20 minute drive

I was the first one at the building 

for the “come follow me” meeting

And I walked into the room where they usually have it,

 and the chairs were already set up in a much larger circle 

There were four women in the room talking, and I went in and I set my scriptures on a Chair

And they looked at me kind of weird and I said

 how are you sisters doing tonight and they looked at me kind of weird again

( They didn’t know I was going to be in their meeting, they told me later)

They said is this room being occupied right now?

And I said yes, it’s for the “come follow me” meeting at 7 PM

And they said     oh no…….

we just scheduled our stake relief society meeting in this room and people all over are coming

So I said how about we leave you sisters in this room 

because you already have it set up

And I will find another room to set up and I will tell everyone to go to a different room for our meeting 

so you sisters can have this room

As I was looking for another room

Another brother that I knew in this ward came up and I said 

hey…….this is what’s going on. 

We can’t be in this room because there’s another meeting going on 

and he said,  oh well 

we’ll go look at all these other rooms

And he picked out the Aaronic priesthood room

 so we set up the chairs in there

I then let the Stake relief society women know

That they could use that room and I would put up signs so people knew where to go

For their meeting 

And ours

All I had were blue sticky notes 

So I wrote little blue notes on each window so everyone knew where to go…….

The relief society sisters said thank you…

I then went and talked to the teacher who is doing the “come follow me” lesson

We talked for a good 10 minutes

 before people started to show up

It was neat to learn about his conversion story to the gospel

In the lesson we read and talked about 

Alma 13- about the whole chapter, 

 the lesson was about resting with the Lord, entering his rest, his peace and being sanctified

We had a really good discussion

Afterword, I felt inspired to hand one gentleman with a really awesome mustache and beard

My business card and told him about my conversion story and my blog

He said 

I would love for you to come talk to people that I work with

I said I would love to do that. I just don’t know if I can.

We talked about life and where it’s taken us and things that we’ve done

And our stories were very similar

And I said if you ever want to talk or have any questions, here is my business card. Please give me a call so we can talk.

Then I drove home

It is now 9:30 PM

I just ate three ice cream popsicles

 that I had leftover from today

I ate an orange Creamsicle

I ate a Heath candy bar popsicle

And I ate one that had watermelon, blue raspberry, and strawberry in it

The 4th popsicle was a mango-pineapple and everyone took those 1st

Which is understandable

I think the orange creamsicle popsicle was my favorite out of those three

It is amazing to me 

All the amazing people I see everyday 

all the people I get to meet and do stuff with 

and learn from and grow from every day

What an amazing day…….

That I had no clue 

What was going to happen today

All I knew is…….

I was driving to the pool this morning…….

I left the rest of the day to the Lord 

and what He wanted me to do…

All I tried to do is…….

follow the scripture that I got last night 

From the woman I helped change a tire

Which was proverbs 3: 5-6





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