
Showing posts from June, 2024

Sunday’s experience

 This morning I woke up, studied my scriptures  Then talked to God for a good while about all kinds of questions that I have I asked three different questions this morning between God and me That I have been wondering about for a while After my scripture study,  I drove to church early  and waited for the doors to open so I could go in and help set up chairs There is a dear brother in this ward that shows up early also just waiting to set up the chairs He never comes in a tie because he rushes to get there like he’s excited to get there and help out But during sacrament meeting, he is always wearing a tie, and he is very well dressed I talked to this dear brother this morning about how beautiful the weather has been And then we discussed about it being the fifth Sunday, and how we were going to set up the chairs I jokingly said we need to do it outside. Have everybody come outside  we haven’t done it since we were kids  let’s do it outside  Enjoy this nature and hear the talks and mess

How do you tackle your work? by Edgar Albert Guest

       How do you tackle your work each day? Are you scared of the job you find? Do you grapple the task that comes your way With a confident, easy mind? Do you stand right up to the work ahead Or fearfully pause to view it? Do you start to toil with a sense of dread Or feel that you’re going to do it? You can do as much as you think you can,  but you’ll never accomplish more; If you’re afraid of yourself, young man, there’s little for you in store. for failure comes from the inside first, It’s there if we only knew it, and you can win, though you must face the worst, If you feel that you are going to do it. Success! It’s found in the soul of you, And not in the realm of luck! The world will furnish the work to do, But you must provide the pluck. You can do whatever you think you can, It’s all in the way you view it. It’s all in the start that you make, Young man: You must feel that you’re going to do it. How do you tackle your work each day? With confidence clear, or dread? What to yo

My experiment on a scripture…proverbs 3: 5-6

 This morning I woke up turned on my music and prayed and went straight to the pool at 6:30 in the morning There was one person in the pool  doing their regular routine And then they jumped in the hot tub for about 20 minutes and they left And with Thursdays being really slow for the pool  I decided I was going to clean it today So I cleaned the pool for an hour and a half and nobody showed up during the whole time  But I did get a text from Aaron, he wanted to talk around 4:30 today  I am grateful nobody came in the pool Which was nice because I swept the whole bottom of the pool floor and then I vacuumed up everything Without people moving around and making stuff float around everywhere After I left the pool, I had no idea what I had planned for today So I started thinking about all the things I could do and who I could help, and the thought came to my mind the Timpanogos Temple So I decided to go home and throw my swimsuit into the washing machine and the dryer to dry it for tomorro

Wednesday 6-26

 This morning I woke up and I went directly to the pool And I decided this morning that I was going to train one of the new techs that I had never seen before So I went out into the foyer And I saw another tech there and I asked her about the really tall tech that was new because I wanted to teach him how to do the pool She told me that the tall person was over there in that room I walked over to him and I said excuse me, I haven’t met you before my name is David I take care of the pool. He introduced himself And he told me that he was from the other building in another city and he was here just filling in I said I’m sorry I didn’t know that  you probably wouldn’t want to learn about the pool, then And he told me that he was here a couple days ago and he was actually interested in the pool  because he didn’t know we had one in this office I then said  If you have time, come back and I’ll teach you what you want to know He said I have time now So we both walked back to the pool I taught

What happened last week

 I went to the pool And about 30 minutes into my workout I felt like I needed to text my friend Aaron and see how he was doing because I have not seen him in the pool for a while So I texted him And I asked  Aaron, Are you alive? His immediate response was   No ! I then said  OK……. I’ll go get the casket……. But…you have to bury it……. I then asked if he was working? And he said  no my car battery is dead.  I’m trying to jump it, but it’s not working. I then asked him do you wanna borrow my car charger? I said I have a free day. Would you like help  Not wanting to take me away from my time  he was reluctant for me to come over But I said, don’t worry about it  and so I drove over there, and I hooked up my charger to his car and I had just used it yesterday and it jumpstarted another car just fine……. But for some reason it did not work on his car So I brought the charger cord for my battery charger in to his house And I plugged it in, then I went and used the restroom Aaron is terrified o

Chickens and frozen hotdogs

 A few short videos of Chickens and frozen hotgdogs

My birthday

This morning I woke up and decided I was not going to the pool on my birthday. Then I had to figure out what I was going to do.  I knew later in the day that I had planned a fishing trip out to Strawberry Reservoir  with my friend Aaron he had asked his boss if he could get off work early at the noon hour so that he could drive up with me to go fishing for the day  his boss told him yes, but you’ll have to work tomorrow also which was a Friday So while he was working his half day, I decided to go to the store As I was leaving the store, I was parked at a stop sign a three-way stop sign A white car was going straight through the intersection. It’s been stuck for a while waiting for the traffic to clear and as it began to go. Another car came out of nowhere cause I was watching too, and slammed on his brakes, put on his horn.And the anger that came out of this guy instantly   was horrible And the white car kept going turned in the bank, and this other driver that came out of nowhere Thre

Past week

This past week has been a very busy one for me.  That’s why I haven’t posted anything.  I’ve been going up to my sister’s house and she has a huge garden and it has been taken over by poppies, red, poppies, pink, poppies, white poppies  , and it’s just taking over her whole garden and so for this whole past week.  I’ve been driving up there every day and removing them as much as I can. It’s been a really fun very peaceful  and full of allergies Sneezing all the time It’s been really fun to hang out with her again and seeing their family and the way things are changing in her life. I took a break from going up there today and stayed around UtahValley This morning I went to the pool for two hours, and I was able to teach somebody water aerobics for an hour and a half That was a lot of fun  afterwards I called up a friend And he took me bowling and he paid for it. He said this is your birthday present. That was very kind of him I think our highest scoring game was 160 between both of us.